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Video Games
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Video Games #5039
Video Games
Why is pixel art a dead artform?
Let's speculate about Crysis Remastered
Help me Yas Forums I'm crying
Why are there no games set here?
The exact moment WoW died
Is this really necessary to include?
Do you play games to escape?
Game starts with a quote
Why was it more fun than the new one?
Cyberpunk 2077 V ingame models
How come developers don't model underwear in video games anymore?
ITT: Very overrated games
Waht went wrong
Risk of Rain
What vidya portrays the effects of alcohol correctly?
Play trails of cold steel 3
Jill Valentine
When did you realise that Animal Crossing was actually shit?
World at war
If Overwatch is so shit according to Yas Forums, how come there's going to be Overwatch 2?
Good Guy Final Boss
I need a good cry, Yas Forums. What are some real tear jerker video games?
Fallout New Vegas
Why are they so prejudiced against machines when they are themselves machines?
What's your reason for playing as a girl in videogames...
Resellers Using Checkout Bots Are Driving the Nintendo Switch Shortage
Jesus fucking christ THIS is Hotline Miami, the game that everyone orgasms over? What a complete piece of shit...
How do I play these games? Feel like a brainlet
Does Yas Forums buyfag?
>PC is better than conso-
It's not a bad game, it's just a bad [insert series name] game
Have you ever gotten caught torrenting vidya...
I want a one-sentence explanation on why all my normie friends who play Animal Crossing are suddenly obsessed with this...
*fall in lava*
What's a good game that can be beaten within FOUR HOURS?
In five minutes I’m going to blow up this board unless you can recommend me a fun Dragon Ball game to emulate on my...
Only people whose love-life is better in videogames than it is in real life can post on this thread
Yas Forums comfy thread
Say what you will about the rest of the game, but idk if I've ever seen better graphics
You! Yes you! Tell me, what kind of gamer are you?
Wh does a Black guy have a White daughter?
Are you SERIOUSLY telling me that shooting a gun at the arcade doesn't to some extent normalise gun violence to...
Prove me wrong
Oculus Quest
What’s his end game?
What's the fastest speed you've ever reached in a video game
Can we talk about REmake?
"China to ban online gaming, chatting with foreigners outside Great Firewall"
Post video games with mutually exclusive fanbases
Is this quite possibly the worst game ever made?
Just got this on pc and its great but jesus fucking christ why is the soundtrack so fucking awful...
Games where I can get uber-strong early and just rape my way through it?
Where is Animal Crossing Thread you nerds
This is the perfect video game
Why does this board hate redditors so much? We hate normies as much as you guys
Get in here faggot's the announcement is soon!
Monster Hunter
$29.99 none of that $60 multiplayer only bullshit
Would FF7 be better if Cloud was a girl?
Name a better engine
Would Metroid ever work as survival horror?
Which one to buy
Who else here is part of the elite screen club? For PC gaming my main monitor is the ASUS PG279Q, 1440p...
Join the Light, child
Why is Dark Souls 2 so divisive?
Now that the dust has settled... What went wrong?
Spongebob BFBB Rehydrated
This is a Sonic thread
Jesus Christ this was so fucking sad
What is the appeal? even non-Japanese games wank the Katana
Since we know this game is gonna suck are there any alternatives...
People who urbanize the shit out of their island when the premise of the game is Tom Nook selling a quiet wild island...
Do you prefer eastern or western character design?
Just HOW heavy is she?
Whatever, I hope your family dies in an automobile accident
THQ Bankruptcy Led To Big Pay Cut For Pro Wrestlers:
Sniper Rifle or GEP gun?
>fat shaming in jap games
ITT: greys in vidya
How would a crossover with Portal's main character work?
What the absolute fuck is this tedious dog shit?
Itt games that only you played
Post cursed video game images
Is Fate vidya actually good? Or is it just a series with cute girls and even better lewds?
What is the "Neon Genesis Evangelion" of vidya?
I'm so upset there wasn't dating sim mechanics in OOT
What will happen at FF7R Episode : II
Whose butt is this?
What's the worst vidya parody you've ever seen?
Imagine what his dumps look like
How do we fix WoW?
Which cat is your favorite? For me is Ankha
1. Your year of birth
Final Fantasy VI appreciation thread
You did didn't you?
He just looks big! We'll show him!
Guilty Gear Strive Beta
Chawwote was joined the pawty uwu
Are you ready for Paradox's redemption arc?
Cancelled to fund the next Persona 5 spin-off :^)
Jak and Daxter thread
What went right?
Should these have been added to royal?
FF7 Demake
Dragon's Dogma
What did japan mean by this
Yas Forumsurm server
Tell me your dream Star Fox game
VII remake
Have you ever gotten utterly screwed over by a video game?
We need a pistol. Like, literally just a normal pist-
Just got this with my new GPU
Well, Yas Forums?
Steam profile pic thread
FF7R>FF7 classic
So what shall it be? Do you join the PC Master Race, or do you die here? JOIN! DIE! JOIN! DIE!
I miss them, bros... :(
Hey Yas Forums here's some random Steam codes, Merry Christmas
Anybody prefer how old xen looks compared to how it looks in black mesa?
Choose one, Yas Forums
How do you feel about the new enemy designs?
What am I in for?
Resident Evil Resistance
Best of Yas Forums jackbox
Achievement: Defeat a developer in multiplayer
Post interesting and not very known vidya facts
Defeat boss
All games on the market go down in price
Play GW2 on release
Good lord what happened to animal crossing?
Good game
Why did the church turn people into ayy lmaos?
So is this basically just Skyrim but worse?
Do people even enjoy traditional turn based RPG games anymore?
3x3 thread
Fuck this fucking dude!!!
Jill Goblina
How are those programming lessons coming along, Yas Forums?
Stop all the bickering and post 7R related images or screenshots
Persona 5
Play One Step From Eden or I will personally slap your ass
When a man is so right 6 years passes are there are no counter arguments
I for one am glad Riot is producting our data!
Why people do this shit? It's just a fucking game
Fellow Wonder-Backers. We're still getting this in April right?
Game references in other forms of media
User, all you have to do is accept the Dream World and you'll get everything you've ever wanted. Skate 4...
"b-but it's first-person!"
Everything going on and you're not posting incomprehensible abominations from video games, Yas Forums?
Who's next for Smash?
Great atmosphere
Games only you played
She's cute. I hope she comes back in future installments...
Why didn’t they ever do a straight remaster of FF7? They were so reluctant to make a remake...
Xbox E3 2020 Leak
While I'm sure we're all super happy to get all this time to play vidya...
2000s nostalgia thread
Level design greatly suffered due to having "encounter zones" pre-baked into the world...
Did Nintendo deserve the switch success? Everyone thought the Wii U made them humble...
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Banned from humble with no reason given and support gets defensive...
What are some revolutionary games that's had a big impact on the industry as we know it and will always be remembered?
JRPG Thread
Characters SO ready to be playable in Smash
Keep moving. Fire when you see the green light. How are people struggling this much with this guy...
Somehow, this is considered a "dance animation" in yandere simulator
Why isn't Halo the killer app anymore?
Yas Forums plays Fire Emblem Poop
Party Van
Do you ever reload or savescum in games where perma death is a mechanic or you can fuck up your gameplay otherwise...
Hiding from Coronachan giftan thread
Is VR the future of gaming?
How is your backlog going?
Really Weird obscure games tread
Risk of Rain
Tales thread
What do you guys think about Valorant, the new Riot game?
Is a switch worth getting?If so what are the must have exclusives?
Makes Yas Forums perpetually salty
Tfw sephiroth makes you choose between saving aerith or tifa
How big of a difference do SSDs make when gaming?
Final Fantasy III and V should have been released in the west on NES/SNES instead of Final Fantasy IV and VI...
Animal Crossing, FF7 and Resident Evil 3 having shortages in the U.S
What if they have armor for males like this in videogames?
Yas Forums Indiedev Thread
Almost 5 years past, is it time to settle it? Triss is better than Yennifer, but Ciri is better than both?
No fucking games
Why aren't you playing it?
Why didn’t someone told me this game was so good ?
Nioh 2
*clears throat*
I just finished building my new gaming pc
RE4 Leon: Your right hand comes off?
Rate my Slave Knight Gael victory bros
Game is better than the entire film franchise it's based on
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Guilty Gear
Imagine paying 60$ for a game you can finish in under an hour
How are you holding up Yas Forums?
Now that the dust has settled at last was it good?
Oh, gonna pick normal difficulty instead of hard again huh?
Choose your destiny
Early Morning AC thread
Does TF2 deserve a spot in Smash?
Dark Souls 2
So now that all three definitive editions are out and about, which is objectively the best of the bunch overall?
People are seriously defending this "remake"
Have gamers gone too far with little stunts like this?
How's your villager hunting coming along?
So, it's pretty much confirmed that this guy "number 2" was Zack after the negative effects of MAKO?
Jessie, Aerith, or Tifa?
It's good
Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread
Name a game THIS good
When did video games die?
I've never been more uncomfortable and scared playing a game
Twitter got proved wrong once again
Has there been a single base-builder game to top Dwarf Fortress in terms of depth and gameplay...
Terraria: Journey's End
Post weird/old game ads
Why doesn't Yas Forums play X-Piratez?
Be a girl. ( An actual girl, not a "girl" on the internet). Games are a main part of my life...
We want the dark souls audience
Admit. You bought the game because you thought it was a Spiderman game
Just started 2. Why is this game so hard?
What did it do wrong that the Sonic movie did not?
Having both of these gives you access to 30+ years of unique and unforgettable titles...
Honestly GOTY 2020
See this
Defend this
What characters do you roll for in gacha games?
What is your dream crossover fighting? I'm still surprised Jump vs Campcom isn't a real thing
What's the most '90s game out there?
Linux has games
Cyberpunk 2077
Rev up those battlestations Yas Forums
Report unusual behavior
How to fix FFVII Remake
Can you stop?
Devil May Cry 5
The old ones are better
What are some historical wars/settings that are under-represented in vidya and which would make for a good game?
You are now entering the Gulag
Fire Emblem Heroes
Animal crossing update
All Games Being Delayed this year
Do you agree that this is the best Final Fantasy?
Rented a PS4 just to play this
Can sex appeal be brought back to western video games?
This is a Sonic thread
I'm finding it harder and harder not to just buy this shit. What do...
Show me your steel books Yas Forums
What was the biggest mistake you ever made in Animal Crossing?
What's their relationship?
Reminder that this is an unrape board
Animal Crossing New Horizons
User... why did you let me die?
I finally tried monster hunter generations, and actually had fun with it
Based on the opinions from 4 different boards, we have finally determined Yas Forums's favorite video games ever
XCOM Chimera Squad
The nu sony fan
How could they have made FF7, one of the most entertaining entries in the whole franchise...
Did you Let Go?
Nier automata
This game is 15 years old
Here's your fighting game bro
"PS5 backwards compatible games unlikely to recieve 4K 60fps upgrades"
Riot Vanguard statement
Wanted a new Syphon Filter game
The new Xcom doesn't look very good
He's right, you know
Here's your translation bro
I love her so much bros
Yas Forums says this game is trash
I clapped
Is worthy to play this now?
Why can't NuWolf reintroduce these femme fatales?
No dude, you don't get it. Dying is the point of the game...
Hand over the fucking 3DS and no one gets hurt
This is what we waited for?
This is the best FPS game I've ever played. How the fuck did it fail?
Currently writing a 100 page thesis on Okabe Rintarou, ama
Never played this game before
The game allows your opponent to cheat
Jessie in FF7
There are people on Yas Forums RIGHT NOW who don't own an old CRT
Have an Asian character
How do you go from this
Square's big brained plan to fuck over Nintendo completely failed
Fightstick thread
Blizzard, a company in which tencent has a 5% stake gets railed by the entire internet because of the bltzchung debacle
How would you fix it?
Give me one good reason why anyone should play this vanilla for their first playthrough when GMDX v10 exists besides...
Nomura admits it was him who fucked up FF7R's story:
We all agree that this is easily one of the best games of all time, right?
Church fags will defend this
Cyberpunk 2077 default in-game models
Name one flaw
Who's your favorite Animal Crossing villager so far?
Downfall Of CDprojekt RED!
Holy shit, this is hard. AI is fucking wizards
Is this the most summer game of all time?
Which one are you more excited for?
Jump Force
He isn’t a Jupiter of the Monkey chad
Will Xbox win 9th gen??
This is a considered a kids' game in this day and age
What EXACTLY went wrong?
A bunch of fans make a better remake than a AAA company
Xbox One X Cyberpunk 2077 Edition
Fatal Frame
Home alone on a friday night? God you are pathetic
When you see it
What game let's me have a daughter?
When is someone gonna step up to the plate and make a fighting game out of this series
Games where I can play as a respectable woman? Men replies should not apply
Nichegamer Final Fantasy 7 Remake Review
Just buy the fucking game already
Who does Cloud love more, Tifa or Aerith?
R6 Siege
What did i just play? Can someone explain the story to me? I had a hard time understanding it
We need a good game bros
How the hell is the 3DS still selling? Do they even make games for it anymore?
Jessie has a THIRST
Why are people so upset about Valve abandoning TF2? Shouldn't they be excited about the future VR has in store...
Yas Forums tells you a game is shit
ITT: Characters you are
What kind of game do you want to exist that no one has yet created?
Why is "linear" a valid criticism?
ITT: dishonest game design
What went wrong?
All games on the market go down in price
Play Azur Lane
Post a more reddit game
Monster Hunter
Why do they swear so much in the English localization?
WHY is this board so fucking anti-Nintendo...
How do you feel about the second rise of virtual youtubers?
Lockdown boredom
Imagine paying for vidya
Why didn't Barret marry again or have a girlfriend to act as a good mother figure for Marlene?
Sonic gets a sword on a waggleshit Wii game
Guilty Gear Strive Beta
Did this fool you Yas Forums?
What's the rarest game you own?
Kitase says that he is relieved that they have managed to deliver something that fans have been waiting for for 23...
Lara Croft thread
How the fuck does the game just end after you escape Midgar...
Colosseum-fags will never, EVER get Chariot Race
Yas Forumsermin thread
People on Yas Forums still play the shitfest that is the Final fantasy series over various good JRPGs like Y's,Tales...
Why the fuck is valve actively trying to turn steam into shit?
Nioh 2
I love Nico!
Marianne is best
Coom Vein
Riding through the night
Do you think dinosaur games will come back?
Why didn't he just talk to people on a bus?
When did you drop """"""""""""Cyberpunk""""""""""""" 2077?
Why are there no competitive SRPGs?
Resident Evil REsistance
Thoughts on Control?
Zero Personality: The Character
Last threads
/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread
Elon Musk has gone insane, and has started shilling cryptocois. Not trustworthy...
Armed Citizens STORM MICHIGAN CAPITOL, Invade Congressional Offices (POLICE STAND DOWN)
Fb fap continued
Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 8 Storytime
This is a 10/10 in Bongland
Celeb thread
If a "hero" kills a villain, then he's not a hero, he's just another villain
Television and Movies
Video Games
Right-wing cringe thread
Animal Crossing
Video Games
Did you ever find your Ramona Flowers?
Television and Movies
Is it frowned upon in your culture to use damaged goods?
Three Seas Initiative
Has there ever been any proof that there are paid Jewish shills on here making shitposts and slide threads beyond...
This is why the world is ruined
One piece
Yas Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies