So, it's pretty much confirmed that this guy "number 2" was Zack after the negative effects of MAKO?

So, it's pretty much confirmed that this guy "number 2" was Zack after the negative effects of MAKO?

Attached: fb8.jpg (635x448, 38.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


But this guy are not Zack.

Yes, fuck you

>Aerith fixed, but not the most well known typo in the game after beacause.
What mod is this?

Zack and Cloud were failures, they didn't get numbers
Zack didn't experience side effects at all because the Sephiroth "Clone" treatment and Soldier treatment were virtually the same

Why does Yas Forums get younger and stupider as time goes on?

No, theres is literal flashback of Zack´s death in the original game.

>pretty much confirmed
by who? by some fujoshit fanfic?

All these years I thought the voice inside Cloud's head talking to him when he falls through the church, was Zack. Then along comes this retarded reboot and they show it off to be Cloud. Was it seriously supposed to be Cloud talking to himself randomly in this one off scene all these years? Or is it more likely supposed to be Zack, maybe even his mother (like when he goes to sleep and dreams he's talking to her about going to the city and finding a nice girl to settle down with.) It just seems really fucking dumb to have him randomly talk to himself like that since it literally never happens again. I greatly prefer thinking it's actually Zack all along.

It’s always been Cloud’s real personality

Gaming and the internet have become too mainstream, forums and message boards are no longer just for hardcore nerds, every teenager with a Facebook profile can come here now.


Attached: ff7 zack's epic fight with shin ra.webm (953x586, 763.07K)

I think that scene with his mother never actually happens though. The real Cloud lets nobody know that he was back in town but visiting his mother would have made perfect sense for SOLDIER first class Cloud. Which is why he tells everyone he did while he narrates the events of the Nibelheim incident.

Why would the voice be Zack?

>It just seems really fucking dumb to have him randomly talk to himself like that
Always thought it was Sephiroth being in his head thanks to the Jenova cells.

>I think that scene with his mother never actually happens though.
No, you can tell it happens because of the cuts.
His mom asks him if what he's wearing is the SOLDIER uniform and then the scene cuts, because he revealed it was just a shitty Shinra grunt uniform

The talk where his mom is telling him to just find an older girl and settle down is because he just finished spilling his guts that he's a failure and didn't accomplish his dream

it's just some dipshit playing the ps1 release that changed her name.

No, Zack was worm food at this point.

Things were simpler back then.

kek he died like a bitch

It was ALWAYS the original Cloud talking to his Zackloud persona.
That's why he mentions things only he would know, like "getting by with only scraped knees", which refers to the accident with him and Tifa as kids on Mt Nibel where she went into a coma and nearly died, but he barely got hurt.

>that burst fire double tap
the original was so fucking based

Why couldn't his mom know that he got by with only scraped knees? It even sounds like something a mom would say, along with "don't worry about me, worry about yourself now." Nothing about this sounds like talking to yourself, to me.

>play tons of FFVII
>miss this scene entirely
God dammit what the fuck

Imagine not understand Final Fantasy 7 in this day and age

90s were brutal

I played this game twice and never got this scene, how do you trigger it?

I don't think you can miss it. You just don't remember it.

>forgetting that there is a lockdown because of the Chinese flu
>forgetting it's going to be eternal summer here for some time

You have to go back to shinra mansion basement late game and who would think to do that

Go back to the Nibelheim basement after you reconstruct Cloud's true personality

any scene with a "cut" or a white flash with a sound is Jenova rewriting clouds memories

You can 100% miss it. There is no indication that it is even in the game.

Summer has been eternal since 2013

its 100% missable and you have to examine a thing you have no reason to go back to and no reason to examine

Attached: 14c[1].jpg (600x733, 29.17K)

watch any scene with it
cloud will on one train of thought and Jenova will force the alter identity to falsey rememnber something
There are 3 beings within cloud
the real cloud
the fake cloud

It isn't Zack. It's just one of the human experiments that Hojo used to test the Reunion Theory.

>original game is 23 years old
>Remake came out last week
>Remake has a new plot about certain characters and the audience being aware of the original plot
>some anons STILL don't grasp the original plot
Kill me

You're misattributing Cloud's own self delusion fake memories with JENOVA implanted shit, there's no indication at any point in the game that JENOVA can rewrite memories. The only Cloud related plot device associated with her is Reunion

Dude we need something new everybody knows the original lol.