Sniper Rifle or GEP gun?

Sniper Rifle or GEP gun?

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Suicide now fuck off


Stick with the PROD

The GEP gun takedown is the most silent takedown

>to takedown Manderley

GEP gun, because you get the sniper rifle and mini crossbow on the very first level, and won't get another GEP gun until much later.


wait hol up what

sniper rifle in first level? where

He's a bit off to the left of the main doors to the statue of liberty. He's on the grass when you head towards the docks. Only NSF guy carrying a sniper rifle on that level.

Gep gun because having a rocket launcher on the first mission of a stealth game is based af.
Also you can get a Sniper riffle from one of the soldiers on that same mission.
Next playthrough will be a full Gep Gun playthrough;

GEP gun is a colossal waste of inventory space for something you use so rarely and can usually find near anything dangerous enough to require you to pull it out.

Gep gun, it can break doors and containers, kill robots. You can deal with regular enemies with other methods

GEP gun. Its the best lock pick in the game and WP rockets can clear whole rooms.

gIVE mE tHE gep gUN



GEP Gun, stealth is stinky. It's for stinky people.

Although you should stick with small arms for the first half of the game since noammolmao and switch to explosives once the action ramps up.


Apparently there are some mods and fixes I should download before playing. Do I really need them or is the base game just fine?

Hella based

No, it's fine

GEP gun is the problem solver
>no skill investment necessary
>removes people
>destroys robots
>demolishes doors
>erases triplasers
>crushes cameras
>eliminates manderley
Never leave home without it.

>no skill investment necessary
well you move and reload with a snail pace, and it takes forever for the crosshair to come together, but other than that, yeah

Kentie's Deus Exe + Kentie's Direct3D 10 renderer

GEP is more situational but it depends on your play style. You will probably end up using the sniper rifle more times regardless

I can recommend nanomod or GMDX. Both are good mods but first complete unmodded version then go to mods

On my first playthrough I picked sniper because I didn't know what the fuck a GEP gun was.

>you can get the prod and sniper in the first level
>first gep gun show up at ocean labs I think
The answer is clear

>anything dangerous enough to require you to pull it out.
>he thinks GEP Gun's primary use is to kill enemies early on

Number one:

If you have to ask that question


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The GEP Gun is your jack of all trades tool.


There are quite a bunch of earlier gep guns. Theres one in a crate in one of the security towers in the laguardia airport

This bad boy makes the most silent takedown
not many know this

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GEP, easily.

Prod is overrated as all hell and can be matched by the baton you get 30 seconds later. Sniper Rifle and Mini Crossbow are both available on the island wtihin 5 minutes.

GEP gun is both massive damage and a universal lock pick, and cannot be found again until LaGuardia, several levels later and will require much higher skills to avoid detection to obtain. The only time you'll see another "zero effort" GEP gun is half way through the game.