Anybody prefer how old xen looks compared to how it looks in black mesa?

Anybody prefer how old xen looks compared to how it looks in black mesa?

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no lol every surface looks like cardboard. it honestly feels like a surf map not an alien planet

I enjoyed the platforming

Just play improved xen, theres a new update for it coming out soon

i feel like crowbar collective went way to far in trying to make xen look pretty
it looks like pandora from AVATAR
old xen definitely felt unsetilling
it was hard to tell if islands were organic or not and pillars would move out from them like the islands were alive
it truly felt alien
new xen is just jungles floating through space until you get to the factory

Took the words right out of my mouth user. That's why I like Old Xen. It truly looks alienish, cosmic, bizzare and so forth.

New Xen literally looks too mystical

og xen looks otherworldly. nu xen looks like a purple jungle.

i was thinking this when i was watching woolie vs play black mesa as his first half life game
it gave him the impression that xen was a peaceful place before the scientists came along

Even Valve hates their Xen. Whether or not you think Black Mesa took the changes too far you're nothing but a contrarian jackass if you think that it isn't leaps and long jumps better than the original Xen.

Original Xen was more alien but lacked storytelling
New-Xen is less alien but has more storytelling and a fucked up hour-long gonarch chase sequence for no reason

>just because the devs don't like their rushed version means this new version is inherently better
>if you disagree ad hom
whatever you say bud

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i feel like a lot of stuff they added to xen is just stuff they took from later half life games
the gonarch chase is just the antlion guardion chase but longer
the elevator ride at the end with the infinite gluon gun is just the citadel sequence with the super gravity gun
the island that you go into to make a activate a portal reuses alot of ideas from the dark energy reactor from episode 1

Black mesa xen sometimes looks like a generic alien planet, especially the jungle part where they literally just took trees and leaves, made them glow because its "alien" that way, and placed them everywhere.
Half-Life xen looks really alien and otherworldly, they don't plaster random shit everywhere and leave it pretty barren, which gives off a much more unique feeling. The colours are also better, they're more dark and odd, whereas in black mesa, you have entire areas that are just extremely bright orange.
But by far the worst design change is the Nihilanth. I honestly have no clue how they fucked him up so bad. In black mesa he looks like a fat retard sitting on a car engine.

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its not a planet dum dum

>weird ugly baby
>weird ugly baby
What they did to agrunts is worse, they're no longer imposing Chads.

also the grunts have weird nazi helmets now

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I do, it's actually comfy and atmospheric

That entire gonarch chase sucked complete ass, horrible attempt at a boss battle. At least the nihilanth battle was pretty sick. If only his new design didn't also suck ass..

Compare this and whatever the fuck s.oi retards did in black mesa

worst part about the gonarch fight is you can skip the very end of it but not the entire chase
like they knew it sucked so they gave you a way to instant kill it at the end but only at the end

No you contrarian faggot.

exactly, black mesa xen doesn't replicate that atmosphere at all


Funny, reminds me of Doom 3 Commandos.

I mean, I actually like most of BM. It's an achievement. The Old Mesa sections are peak comfy for me. They didn't get everything right IN MY OPINION, but they did the game they wanted to do and I respect that.

And modders can fix models!

This I remember walking in Old Xen feeling all shocked by the bizzare alienish designs and so forth.

>new = better, everybody knows this

its pretty good my only real complaints besides xen are how much clutter there is lots of lights and stuff that makes everything look like buttons you could interact with when the real buttons look just like it
cant tell what boxes contain ammo and health
but it sticks very close to the layout of the original game and thats what makes xen so odd

No, although the pacing might have been better in the sense that it was shorter aesthetically I 100% prefer new xen in pretty much every way.

It's not a fair comparison though given the time span between BM and HL.

Old Xen literally feels bizzare, surreal, with its alien geometric and atmosphere. It feels like you as an Human you dont belong here at all.

You can have your opinion m8 but i gotta say i can't agree at all. Old xen looked horrible back when i first played it back in the day and it still does today.

I haven't had a feeling like this when I went to the end of the levels of Quake 1.

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