How is your backlog going?

How is your backlog going?

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Imagine the smell.

Envision the scent.

I don't have to I know what dried shit smells like. It's gross.

This is a fat roastie menstruation stain.

Ponder the odor


How the fuck does this even happen.

can't you add a game picture to your shit threads so you can stay on topic or fuck off to Yas Forums faggot?

>those ass marks

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Already finished 12 games this year. Halfway through Hitman absolution at the moment. Will probably replay FFVII next though.

I don't force myself to play games.

>shit stain
>AND cum stain
Someone went too hard into the NEET life, at least learn to sanitize yourself

that wasn't the question

I have the following games in my backlog
FF XII: The Zodiac Age
Octopath Traveler
Horizon Zero Dawn

I just need to decide which one to start with.

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Based not yet chad

>he doesn't have 200+ games in his backlog
Never gonna make it

I've beaten a couple games since it started. I've even been keeping a log of it.
>Yakuza 3
>FE Three House: Cindered Shadows
>Outer Worlds
>Xenoblade 2: Torna
>episode one of Telltale Sam & Max

Anyone else place a towel over their chair? I change towels about once a week. They always smell like shit, but better than the chair smelling like shit.

>those ass marks

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Yes it was


>too hard
>neet life
no such thing

how? literally just wipe your ass holy fucking shit

just don't sit around naked like some kind of monkey also?

No. I just take a shower. Almost every day.

Wipe your ass bro

thought provoking musk

Strike off Octopath Traveler, it's mediocre and it's story concept was executed poorly

constipulate the effluvium

not well

i keep playing crash bandicoot, a game i beat in elementary school, in 45-minute installments every couple of weeks

Everytime I try and start a backlog game I get bored and start replaying old games

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Consider the aroma

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why didnt he go to the bathroom?

Deconstruct the Fragrance

I sit in my underwear mostly. It's all the farts, man. The farts add up. Along with the heat of your balls.
I mean, think about it. Your chair is the one thing you never change. You change your pants, you change your underwear, but you don't change your chair.

Dudes, even assuming perfect hygiene, could you wear the same pants for a weak? Nah. Try it. Wear the same pair of pants for a week straight, and then lift the carriage up to your nose. It's going to smell like farts.

how much do you weight

Intense game of smash bros.