How do you feel about the new enemy designs?

How do you feel about the new enemy designs?

I really like the new revenant. It's less "realistic" and gritty than the DOOM 2016 version but I think it fits the new cartoony aesthetic well.

I also like how the pain elemental just seems to be a giant mass of leather strips in the form of a maw.

Attached: DE.jpg (1024x576, 44.76K)

As much as the marauder sucks, his whole design is so bad ass. I'm also a fan of the pain elemental, such a goofy motherfucker when it looks like hes running.

But the best I like about the designs is how demons visually become more damaged the more you fuck them up. Stripping a way a Barons armor to reveal his lava like skin is cool.

most of the new demon designs are worse in my opinion, including the new mancubus which people seem to like. On the other hand, I don't mind the new barons, but I don't think they should have replaced the old ones, they should have been a more dangerous version or something.
The one demon I really like is the pain elemental, which is probably my favorite design in the game. They're incredibly expressive. The cacos are great too.

Way better, I barely remember some 2006 designs. maybe Hell Knights and Barons were better.

Love how they made the soldiers actually look like they did in the old games. The way the pain elemental opens up is cool as fuck, ive only seen the animation in battle mode lobbies tho.

Official tier list of designs:
>Khan Maykr
>Pain Elemental

>Dread Knight
>Doom Hunter
>Mancubus/Cyber Mancubus
>Lost Soul
>Cyber Zombie

>Icon of Sin
>Hell Knight

Wasted potential tier:
>Maykr drones

Oh shit what are you doing tier
>Baron of Hell
>Armoured Icon of Sin

This "revenant is worse" meme needs to die. They have a cleaner design because monsters have destructible bodies now. You can make it as gorier as the Doom 2016 just by shooting him.

>the new cartoony aesthetic
theres your problem


The rest

Attached: 768768568.jpg (1280x720, 112.63K)

These are the ones I like the most:

>Pain Elemental
>Dread Knight
>Cyber Mancubus

A lot of them are great and some amazing. I'm just happy they moved on from the 'alien' designs they had in 2016.

Attached: The Art of DOOM Eternal (2020) (Digital) (WhiteHorse) 054.jpg (2700x3600, 1.65M)

How is it a problem? DOOM 1 and 2 weren't cartoony?

They all look the same.
It's just the lighting that looks worse since they went for a more cartoony and console friendly art-style.

What does "console friendly art-style" mean? DOOM 2016 was also released on consoles.

no, it's worse, there is 6 fucking skulls on his armor, it's retarded

Skulls are a common setpiece within the Hell architecture, you can see it all over the Cultist Base and Doom Hunter Base plus on the rocket launcher. Not sure what the the issue is with maintaining artistic continuity.

>and console friendly art-style.

You're retarded. Enemies are 'less detailed' because of the destructibility and more enemies out at a time compared to DOOM 2016

>Less details and texture.
>Making shit overly colorful so you don't notice the blurriness
>Letting Lighting do most of the work
>Forced post processing effects
>Simple saturated color palate
Exactly why they had to tone it down.

Cyberdemon is totally different. The Eternal look is much more in line with the 1993 design than the weird 2016 design

I think those decisions were more so to keep it in line with the new aesthetic. Like I said, DOOM 2016 was also released on consoles and it ran fine.

yeah but you don't need to put 6 of them in a single character armor, it's ridiculous, the skulls on walls and architecture are supposed to be skulls from dead humans and demons, or at least giant sculptures and not demon fashion

the cyberdemon design is awesome, my only problem with them is that they can't get a single shot to hit you even when there is 2 of them on the screen at nightmare settings

>the skulls on walls and architecture are supposed to be skulls from dead humans and demons
No, the skulls in Cultist Base and Doom Hunter base seemed to be purposefully crafted out of what we presume to be steel. Remember that room where you jump on top of the giant floating block with the skull design on the front? Skulls appear everyone in those level's mechanical architecture... even those little flying robots that carry the coffins you jump on.

Yeah, I played on ultra-violence and didn't even notice that laser targeting attack until I beat it and went back with cheats to tickle one for a while to get a specific finisher

I meant to say in 2016, forgot to actually say it, before they're actual skulls from dead organism which it makes sense for it to be across hell, used in sacrifices etc, in eternal they are adornments and architectural style, make it looks like edgy teenagers designed it, skulls ware used a lot in 2016 but in a way better way

I believe they were more so designed as an area denial device as opposed to a direct threat. Explains why you only encounter them in rather narrow and compact locations.

I think they just copy the 2016 cyberdemon's attacks but forgot to balance for the dash, it was easy to get killed by that beam cannon on 2016
fuck, I has hyped as a kid for this game but it has so many points I didn't like that it will not be remembered fondly by me

That's because Hell's architecutre was designed by demons, while the Cultist Base and Doom Hunter Base was designed by a "human" (Deag Nilox or whatever his name was) in reverence to Demonic and Gothic architecture. That "edgy" artstyle was undoubtedly intentional, once again to fit the cartoony artstyle.

Actually, Doom Eternal is a lot more violent and detailed than Doom 2016. They have a cleaner design because you can fuck them from all different angles, with exposed flesh, blood and bones. It doesn't have anything to do with being friendly or for kids.

>I was hyped as a kid for this game
You were hyped as a kid for Doom Eternal? So you're like 16 max?

New Revenant sucks