Why do they swear so much in the English localization?

Even Aerith says "shit". That's totally out of character.

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Aerith swearing is out of line. Everyone else is fine, including Tifa.

When does Aerith swear?
Might not get the game if true

Dragonball insecurity syndrome

A ladder she's climbing breaks and she says shit as she starts falling.

she says shit under her breath once when a ladder she was climbing collapsed.
I'm pretty sure that's the only instance in the game.

thats understandable. i miss all the weird swearing like in the 97 game. should put more in the remake.

It's even funnier because 90% the characters look like 9-year-old emo boys. Just look at your picture, kek

Adult people paying money for this will never get in my head.

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to appeal to leftoid trannies

because japs say kuso all the time

>Everyone else is fine, including Tifa.
Nope. In the original, the first time Tifa swears is when Scarlet slaps her, which made the moment even more impactful since it's not in her character to swear.

This bothered me in RE2 and 3. Sure it's realistic and people today swear alot but it cheapens the whole experience when everyone is swearing like sailors. I blame retards pushing for "more realistic dialogue" who say shit like "LOL WHO TALKS LIKE THIS" so nothing is allowed to be iconic or have any flavor, everyone just has to cuss all the time

>no muh bad words!!! :O
Get your pussy checked

She says dammit in the sewers if you pick Tifa.

No she actually swears when you climb the stairs calling barret a retard.

>people in America swear alot


>Adult people paying money for this will never get in my head

retard isn't swearing and it's also not what she says in the original, aka japanese, script

Its to show that her innocent naivety is, at least in part, an act.

Because she's a prostitute.

Because they're trying to appeal to retards who watch netflix, and it worked going by Yas Forums's praise, but those might be shills.

She swears during combat sometimes too. The localization is really distasteful I even read a normie's seething review about it, I felt really bad for her because she was really upset over it.

I don't like it either and it's not like you can just play in Japanese since the dubtitles literally don't translate the original voices. I don't plan on playing it.

>cloud says "bring it bitch" and all sorts of other cusses

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Niggas live in the slums. How the fuck do you expect them to speak? Shits not even that big of a curse word.

Retard wasn't an offensive word 20 years ago, it's nu-PC crap.
Many languages, including my own, don't have distinct words for "retard" and "delay".

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If no one said a thing everyone would like "it is censored" or "this game is way too serious, wheres the swearing and laughs?"

Yeah I noticed this in Japanese games trying to appeal to the west. I guess they think cussing makes it more realistic for westerners or something.
Well said.

English is only strings of shit damn fuck bitch

How is it being 14 and having to swear all the time to look tough

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>Feel make feel
Why do non-English speakers write gibberish

it's not by trying to appeal to westernes. nips say kuso a lot, more than translators usually bother putting in

Towards the very end of the game she says "Screw him!" With regards to Sephiroth. This is when she knows the gang are going to win and change destiny for her.

Cloud loves Aeris

There is no iconic speech in the original, frankly. Swearing might be dogshit, but this is a case of “nothing of value was lost,” as the original dialogue was basically completely forgettable and not iconic in the slightest

Kuso is different than Cloud Strife saying "fucking" and what not. Kuso translates to something mild in English like "damn". It's a really disappointing localization.

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How the fuck does a board that prides itself in being able to throw niggers around get offended by "shit".

t. Hojo

XV has a fantastic localization and dub, 7R has the worst modern localization I've ever seen SE do

After beating The Arsensl boss near the end here is an example of JP to Eng difference

You beat it then Barret sits down.

>Barret: As expected.
>Red XIII: Yeah, but it's too early to take a break.
>Barret: *ha?*
>Red XIII: Are Cloud and the others safe?
>Barret: Of course they are!

>Barret: Damn, does it feel good to be alive!
>Red XIII: Quite. But we could still die later tonight.
>Barret: *Gah*
>Red XIII: Cloud and Tifa could be dead already.
>Barret: The hell they are!

The 7R localization is like a bad fansub

There is no "kuso" in the original

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That dress is really cute

Not him, but it’s exactly like playing the original FF7 on release that was edgy with its swears compared to the previous games.

Excel Saga is a great anime, everyone should watch it

It's about bad translation

Cope more faggot. Sorry your waifu gets cucked.

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That might be true as well. Not the first time localisers are meddling with the script.

kuso translates to shit, friendo

We all agree that Barret is spot on though right?


Even the "cucking" scene is the product of the English localization and doesn't exist in JP. Aerith never says "Mine!" in the Japanese version (and every other language besides English) and the sudden cut to Tifa's expression is to emphasize her being scared of ghosts, not jealousy.

>XV has a fantastic localization and dub
SO thats why everyone sound so generic and boring

This is where you start to be certain thing are not what they seem.

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