Guilty Gear Strive Beta

I don't understand why FAB likes the game. Even Roi likes it.

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I don't play beta games, only Chad games

They're paid shills. I know Strive is a piece of shit and I haven't even played it.

>Pot buster does 50%
>I don't understand why FAB likes this game
Gee, I fucking wonder.

>arcsys finally get their game shat on after years of pushing their shitty meme game xturd on everyone
Good riddance

>Why are these people who main the two characters that are blatantly broken saying they like the game?

Gee I wonder why user. It couldn't possibly be because they're broken.

>The maximum combo differs depending on the distance and the number of hits
REV2 or higher is required
Compromise combo won't break the wall, so it's quite different
This guy came out worthwhile

But as expected, 12 hours Tremo seems to sound tomorrow, so do you combo sleep together
He does? Because I don#t understand a word

Because it's fun, and is only really held back by the gatlings right now, but that can change. Its a beta after all, presumably it only goes up from here.

Every single one of you shills keep saying "it's fun" but never provide evidence or examples as to why it is.

The game is a fucking mess of half-thought out ideas copulated together in the most hap-hazard way possible.

Half the beta roster has literal unblockable set-ups and both Sol and May have damn-near ToDs without even cranking Risk up once.
How is this fun?

Fun is subjective you retard
There are people who think slow games like SFV are fun

He didn't say that though?

Just talking about general stuff, sounds more like he is trying to figure the game out.

What the fuck about it is fun to you then?
Is it the fact that two of the characters feel incomplete?
The fact that the balance in the game is atrocious?
The ToDs?
The multiple 60% health combos off of nuetral?
The fact that RC's hitbox setups literal unblockable block-strings?
The lack of any combo variety because everything is streamlined to work a certain way?
The schizophrenic UI that looks like it belongs in a mobile game?

Are you even playing the Beta right now? Did you even watch streams and clips of people playing this shit-heap and watching this retardation unfold or are you just spouting out of your ass?
Literally the only thing good about this game right now is it's visuals and music.

I am playing it.
I think it's a much worse game than Rev2, but I'd still rather play this than GBVS, UNI, SFV, or Tekken 7. To me, even an incomplete and simplified Guilty Gear is more fun than any of that stuff. I think its mostly due to an attachment to the characters/series.
Like, I recognize the characters and the neutral is still similar to Xrd with FD brake, run speeds, and airdashing. And that's all I need.
The high damage and unblockables make it a fast game unlike SF/GBVS. That's fun, I guess.
It feels bad knowing this will replace Xrd, but what can I do? I'd rather play this than quit or play some other shit fighting game like GBVS with no appealing character designs.

The broken shit makes it more fun though. Besides, the RC unblockable isn't real, the AI just never blocks the RC.

what characters are unfinished, faust and who else?

Potemkin can kill in 2 command throws, what's not to like?

Sol doesn't have his install yet, but I'm assuming he's talking about may.

Faust and May.

*wild throws you*

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>still similar to Xrd
Yeah, those airdashes are real similar. No all these tools not only feel different but will be used different. This could be any random anime game now.

>It feels bad knowing this will replace Xrd, but what can I do?
Legit the SFV mentality. Go try other things, GG isn't GG any more so it doesn't matter

Better than Xturd at least. Fucking Xturd was a spit in the face for what Guilty Gear was and all Xturd newcomers come in acting like they own the place when all they ever liked was nu-gg trash. Strive is a return to form of what GG was envisioned to be, not whatever this schizophrenic autism fest that Xturd was

Am I fucking retarded how do you do fausts mid air syringe attack

A lot of the pro JP players are saying while the new airdash forward is slow, it has more options. Can someone explain?

I've tried GBVS, SFV, UNI, BBTAG and Tekken 7.
Out of those I've only liked BBTAG, which is now dead at 60 players on PC and I'm EU.
If UNI was an airdasher and didn't have autistic rebeat pressure then I would probably like it but alas that's begging for a completely different game
Strive has more in common with Xrd than any of those games I listed

So basically you can cancel your airdash at any point by doing an attack.
So instance
>Sol does an airdash
>immediately does j.H
>falls down instantly with the j.H
You don't need to wait for the airdash to move forward before you can attack.


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The damage needs to be toned down by a lot.

In past games you only had one air trajectory. Now you can cancel the airdash into a move at any point, and in addition doing that move you down fast. So it makes things a lot more ambiguous in that sense.

Fuck this game, I'll just lab +R for the rollback mod

I like doing Ky's new flip kick and Sol's night raid vortex. I will have hours of fun with just those things alone.

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Damn dude, 16 minutes and literally no one bit. Make better bait.

Chipp is so fucking cool in strive.

So it's actually a great addition in that case.

So why are pnormal people so butthurt about it?

I have been kara pot bustering the computer opponent for 2 hours straight now since the limited gatling feels horrible to combo with.

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Because most people looked at the startup and thought "dumbed down and slow, it's bad" without actually thinking about the change.

When it was first shown off it was significantly slower than it is now, and no one got to play with it to find out the potential, it was just "No corner combos, no oki, and now you can't even late airdash/low!"

Also you can FD cancel it to cut your forward momentum and drop to the ground to do an empty low ridiculously fast

Everything does retarded damage to be fair

that's a great vid. Wish Ky could do some more flashy shit

Because it's different, which is ultimately a big issue with fighting game sequels. If it's too same, people bitch cause why drop the $60? If it's too different then all it really does is fracture the fanbase at best. Cause this new airdash has pros and cons. It is definitely slower 100% which makes it easier on one hand. But now that we know about a few other effects it can also cause some super ambiguous situations. It's not really better or worse, just a different airdash for a vastly different game.

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