Play trails of cold steel 3

Play trails of cold steel 3

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You aren't playing it yourself when you're busy posting here.

i already did, waiting for 4

Cold Steel the Hedgehog?

I am but I'm slow.

Also, that enough characters?
Jesus I can only imagine the nightmare of setting up and maintaining that many orbal setups and equipment sets.

Already did, just waiting for 4 to come west in the fall. Laura best girl.

i literally just did

Lewd panty choice, Alisa.

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Nah, I haven't been 13 in 17 years. While I like scantly dressed anime girls, it doesn't carry a game for me, and I couldn't stomach all the bad anime tropes.

fuck off coomer

only if there are cheat codes that let me look at the girls in costumes like this without having to actually play the game

the final dungeon is 4 groups of 4 characters but i always enjoyed how you can make almost everyone a broken character, except machias i don't know what the fuck do you put on him so i just use him to get more turns

what do you do with alisa.


Why do all of Falcom's game still look like high end Vita titles?

On the first day I ran into that one white haired frigid bitch sitting on a bench. She told me to fuck off but I was able to pan the camera to look at her panties. That'll teach her for not respecting the instructor.

they have like 60 employees

Why is she all clenched up looking? Loose fitting britches don't squeeze things together like that.

she's holding in a turd

Either spec her into dedicated support or take advantage of her decent ATS and go for magical offense. That's how you always build her.

in 1 i just used her as a mage with fire arts i can't even remember the setup, 2 and 3 she just gives insight to everyone else, she can't even die with that master quartz

I mean sacrificing his turn to basically give three other people a free turn or fast cast things is pretty good, although "I use my turn to make everyone besides me do useful things" is telling of his usefulness outside of that...

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>range character
>shit ats
>shit str
>starts with a +DEF master quartz
i don't know what the fuck are they doing with him

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waiting for gf to go home after quarentine is done so i can play with my dick in hand

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You mean press x button for new text appear when character say the same shit 1000 times over? Because this consists of 90% of Cold Steel "gameplay".

Why magic even exist when crafts are 10 times better? It makes them useless.

Imagine getting filtered by a text heavy game. If this isn’t the give away sign of a true brainlet, nothing is.

It's called video game, you are meant to play it. If I wanted text I would read book retard.

Why is Junas ass so terrible? There are lots of great asses, but hers is so fucking flat.
Musse or Emma does fucktons of damage and can end every non-boss fight in a single cast with that 100% bonus damage on first cast quartz. You can also only really make one character a craft bot with the true gladiator stuff, everyone else runs out of CP way too fucking fast.

>It's called video game, you are meant to play it.
Nobody claimed otherwise.
If I wanted text I would read book retard.
These things are not mutually exclusive, brainlet user.

What did Falcom mean by this?

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If that looks flat to you, then fetish porn and bad hentai art completely rot your brain.

fie's cute kissable tummy

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>they give you Ada's photo
they fucking know

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is my girl emma canon yet?

She has a goddamn Hank Hill ass.

He's a Hedgeheg, not some faggot normie hedgehog.

Tatiana's a dirty fujo (no wonder she's into Ash) but Valerie's a fucking normalfag.

I feel sorry for you.

Can't wait to play CS4 and have my wife Laura and her friend Duvalie to be in same team.

>He doesn't know how to use Machias
Machias is one of the few instances where lines matter in CS because you can spec him in a way where you can add on a bunch of extra ailments and/or stat debuffs onto all his attacks. You just mash the Petrify Bullet/MP Regen bullet buttons with him unless you need to use AT Advance.

you did autismo. You called it video game which it isn't.

I just finished it yesterday. Altina is cute.

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I've got one and a half weeks left of sick leave left, I hope I can finish this before I go back to work. Alfin is best girl so far from 1 and 2.

>Why magic even exist when crafts are 10 times better? It makes them useless.
Magic is just as stupidly powerful as Crafts are in the entire subseries, it just requires the player to learn the game more.

>slow down action
>ep can't be rechargabe as cp
>can't break enemy
>can't create follow ups
It's just crafts except much slower with much less damage.

this kid doesnt know about titania

EP is far more abundant than CP. The master quartz that gives you back EP based on damage dealt with arts basically makes all arts free.