We need a pistol. Like, literally just a normal pist-

>We need a pistol. Like, literally just a normal pist-

Attached: 92fs_zoom002[1].jpg (840x536, 74.83K)

Better looking than that glock.

92fs is a sexy gun

>we need to circumvent the gun manufacturers

Attached: m4.png (475x178, 130.22K)

>mfw a non/k/ board tries to have a /k/ thread...

Attached: lmaoing-at-your-life-996557.png (500x730, 169.57K)

-muh pants

gonna load a clip into that glock and make you regret that post user


...versus the guy she tells you not to worry about

Attached: file.png (720x522, 566.33K)

Beretta > Glock

>we need a gun for the civilian in our tacticool commando group

Attached: G17-gen5-hero-left__74694.1513113420.jpg (1280x1280, 143.55K)

Yes, that's the joke, dickface.

What's a good gun for home defense for someone who has never used a gun before?

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anything to shoot yourself with homie. they all work

grenades don't use clips, correct

a knife

.44 Magnum

You may not laig id, but dis is what peag berformangs loogs lieg

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>we need a gun that didn't exist in 1986

fuck you I hope the threat takes over.

go to a range and use one first you little faggot.

A weapon you don't know how to use is worse than useless.

>pick up tape
>narrator sounds depressed

Attached: 1508004487314.gif (500x375, 248.74K)


thats a pretty neat rifle

>Boys, we need a gun but what if the character finds a fire, gets hungry, and wants to start grillin-

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her gym trainer

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This is the ideal handgun.
You may not like it, but this is what peak tacticool looks like.

Attached: 1557075466362.png (1590x631, 527.04K)

It's funny when they have women using 92fs or Deagles in games, 'cause they're both large, man-sized, pistols. I unfortunately have my moms hands, not my dad's, and a 92fs is a lot of fucking gun for me. A Deagle is just about unusable. Hi-Power is more my size, and I think it should be the upper limit for what they put in the hands of women in a realistic setting.

Needs a scope

>*Improves your gun*

Attached: tacticooler.jpg (1590x631, 75.46K)

The first one you learn how to use, and feel comfortable with.

>We need guns for mafia and police in 1930s

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Ima just leave this here

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get a mosin and cry after the stock bruises you pussy

is that the equivalent of rice but with guns?

Did the mafias really use BARs?
Don't those weigh a shit ton?

The fuck is going on here?

Just get a vector at this point

Revolvers are cool.

I've never seen a BAR in the setting he describes.

>hole technology

Why is there a magazine in the picture?

Damn, they moved to guns.

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Name a game with a bad double barrel gun. I dare you

Attached: excellent-double-shotgun-on-white-260nw-136619534[1].jpg (386x280, 7.45K)

we need a gun for elite special forces

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First automatic revolver.

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In case the revolver barrel runs out of ammo, silly billy.

Both police and bank robbers used BAR's, they're heavy as fuck by modern standards but not so heavy a grown man can't cowboy up and spray full auto unsupported. The military trained around using the BAR for "walking fire" after all.

Doesn't matter, you'll be shot first anyway.

>All those addons
At that point, why even use that instead of a submachine gun?

postal 3

Aw dude, that's actually really cool. I don't know shit about guns

It's something you can slide onto a handgun and quickly convert your sidearm to a PDW. It has it's niche.

It's not really well known since at that point the first semi automatic guns already existed, without requiering the revolving chamber.

Attached: colt m1900.png (1024x680, 1.27M)

Pump action shotgun is probably the best option for home defense.
>Will absolutely stop anyone not wearing body armor
>won't overpenetrate your walls and kill your neighbors/family like a handgun will
>straightforward to use

Just remember your ear protection, firing a shotgun indoors will annihilate your ears

>we need a future revolver

Attached: MatebaAutoRevolver6in.jpg (696x419, 27K)

>we need a gun from the future

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A revolver. An automatic sitting in your abode for ten years, unused because nobody ever broke in, can jam on year 11 when somebody does enter your home and you haven't tended to your automatic. A revolver doesn't have this problem.

>not based keratos

>we need a gun for our femme fatale spy

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since you probably have shit for aim
a shotgun