Somehow, this is considered a "dance animation" in yandere simulator

>somehow, this is considered a "dance animation" in yandere simulator

Attached: 8PhDaixlOw.webm (870x652, 2.82M)

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Reminder that yanderes are the worst anime girl type.

Stop shilling your shitty game, dude.

do you mean yon-derries

how did this kickstarter make so much fucking money when it has always looked so awful

is there truly such a high demand for this kind of game that people would fund it so

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it doesn't matter what it looks like, people who put money in kickstarters are paying for their fantasy not a reality

weeaboo hitman is actually a pretty cool idea. it's such a shame the dev is such a piece of trash.


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No iam not. I think i might be worse than yandev. I cant let that happen i need to code NOW

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And what exactly have you done with your life, sweaties?

Unironically this.
Only fucking simps with a complex for overbearing girls and a need for validation prefer yanderes.

This. Tsunderes can be hit or miss but when they're done right, they're done damn well. Yanderes are irredeemable trash that only get salvaged if their designs are good.

Hit the nail on the head.

ddr chads get the fuck in here

Attached: eotc.png (319x236, 47.64K)

I see that haato in the corner

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For me it’s kuuderes.

lmao that's the "fat kid with crazy legs" stance proppnig his fat ass up on the backbar

Attached: file.png (480x360, 118.59K)

all anime girl cliches are bad

lets see you make a game, all the while garnering the support of thousands of gamers around the world

yup. i like danderes the best

I thought yandere meant a girl that will kill you if you don’t love her back. This game just seems to be about a regular psychotic girl

How the fuck did he think this is acceptable? If he was too lazy or unskilled to do normal animations he should've just zoomed the camera onto the cabinet's screen and called it a day, that'd leave a better impression.

lmao didn't notice, who the fuck forced her to play that?


It's how everyone actually good at the game plays

Looks pretty accurate to DDR tourneyfags.

>I never watched high level DDR play: the post

She likes playing kusoge

They are great for horror but most of the time people miss the point

Speaking of YandareSIm. I just found out about it two days ago. Downloaded it just for keks, huge disappointment, as the game currently has no objective... Anyone with a little bit more time in the game, is it enjoyable? How to play to enjoy it?

You don't enjoy it, you laugh at it. You laugh at the creator who has been a laughstocking for Yas Forums for some time now

Please berate me in front of my friends and family Haachama!!

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Why is he still working on this? He made it during the fad where Yandere's were a popular meme now it's beyond stale.

>alex trying to make himself look good in the chat

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I missed that, so please, tell me more.

Ever got that feeling, that we are living in the Matrix, and occasionally we get a new DLC or something? You meet a new game or something similar one day that you've never even heard of before. Then from that point, you keep seeing it everywhere, even on platforms that you visit frequently, and you'd have noticed. And by all sources of information, the thing has been there forever.