Post weird/old game ads

Post weird/old game ads

Attached: Dreamcast ad.jpg (736x960, 111.57K)

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Would Eidos make a good Berserk game Yas Forums?

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Was Berzerk even as well known in the west back in? I don't recall any hype for the PS2/DC games. Very odd ad, yes.

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Nah, I don't think anyone could get Berserk combat right nowadays. People praise From as making Berserk like games, but those fags have no idea what kind of a beast Guts is. The ocmbat would be like in MGR but with a fucking slab of steel.

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monster hunter world does big ass weapons well but surprisingly the greatsword feels slow as shit, switch axe proves the potential is there though.

That's gay.

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>We killed Mr. Takahiro

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you would NEVER get away with something like this today

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this fucking ad lol

Obligatory classic.

Attached: K9kkkU6uFC7gYmxPghEmog.jpg (647x752, 95.48K)

well yeah he's gayman

>tfw school book fair and you spot this

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IMAGINE if they use this ad again for the remaster holy shit my sides would explode

All of these game franchises save for Half-life have failed lmao

The fuck? Is this real?

Kombatfags BTFO.

Who would you add? It's decades later after all.

Attached: Drinking.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

No decade was as soulful as the 90's. After 9/11 the world has been on a rapid downward spiral.

>Komedyfags BTFO.

Don't even get me started on his Gayving Gabbids.

is the dad in that pic bryan cranston!?

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