What vidya portrays the effects of alcohol correctly?

What vidya portrays the effects of alcohol correctly?

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What games does he play?

RDR2 Lenny Quest

None of them and it's impossible for them to do so.

New Vegas

No game has portrayed your conception and birth

please someone help my face is constantly red and i do not drink in the slightest. I have the whitest skin tone to man but my face is ALWAYS RED including my finger tips. just imagine that in your head and its fucking retarded.

I am an Irish American btw

witcher 2, but gta4 specifically.


All of them because I am always drunk when I play vidya

>What vidya portrays the effects of alcohol correctly?

That's like asking what video game portrays the smell of a piece of shit correctly.

Need to get a petition to change the word alcohol to alcomohol


>character drinks one beer
>immediately horny, slurring words, hiccups, and has trouble staying balanced

Honestly it’s a testament to the amount of ski on this site that a photo of a proper lad enjoying his pint is supposed to be funny. What’s next? Vegan jokes?

to be fair, most games are made by americans or japanese

>the amount of ski
the what now?




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I have a friend like this. I did not notice until he told me was constantly red. Now I notice and the fucker is alarm red all the time.
We don't care and we don't notice. Own it

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Redneck Rampage, has a drunk meter that decreases damage taken but screws with your visuals the higher it goes.

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Most look like shit, but the far left looks kinda OK. Like in politics.


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It's probably your diet. I go from having 7/10 skin to looking horific if my diet slips.

I only play VA11 Hall A drunk. Consistent with the theme.