Why people do this shit? It's just a fucking game

Why people do this shit? It's just a fucking game.

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To get upvotes on Reddit.

so they can post pics online and get sick gamer clout

There was a 500+ post long thread here the other day about some retard who broke his Switch over getting stung by bees in Animal Crossing so it clearly works.

ribbit karma

I want link/screenshot/whatever for this retard

how do you know about this?

The fuck you mean?
It was fucking yesterday.

>Getting mad
>Over fucking Animal Crossing
How is that working!

Attached: 1.jpg (639x460, 71.99K)

how do you die in minecraft though?

There. The two word OP let me remember it, it was a bizarre ride.

fucking kek. but seriously, retards like this need to be sterilized

why would you get mad about bees though? even if you get stung you can craft medicine using the shit you just got stung by and some weeds.

This is how I expect these weird people wearing diapers to behave.

I developed an inferiority complex due to a father that preferred negative encouragement, while I was already underperforming socially due to anger issues.
While I am almost 25 now, to this day I still steer clear of fighting games, broke a controller once because of them, raged on various unseemly occasions.
All it takes is one misinterpreted combo input and the spiral starts, the angrier you get, the more inputs you miss, and the more your desire to transfer your anger into a more direct vessel (that won't ignore your inputs) grows, like irl fists.
That's the gist of it, also why I can only competitively play shooters, their inputs never lie.

Let me guess: a diaperfur?

>Score: 0


>no damage to desk

haha yeah bro I got so mad I went VIKING lol thanks bro had to snap a pick and post it every were haha just being mee

Edit; haha thx for reddit gold guys really means a lot


why cant they just scream cry into their pillows like me?


cause you don't have the rage gene in you. Once it takes over you can do nothing except destroy. People who don't have it won't ever understand

Shit like this is why i'm building a machine to travel through the internet. I'm almost finished with the digitization matrix, now i just need to calibrate the particle stream. Then i can travel through the internet with a knife and come out of these fucking faggot wholesomerino niggereddittors and stab them in theeir onions neckbearded fucking faggot nigger throaghts god i fucking HATE REDDIT SO FUCKING MUCH THEY'RE NIGGERS I HATE NIGGERS I HATE NIGGERS AND FAGGOTS!!!!!

I enjoyed playing games a lot more when I stopped playing the ones that made me mad. If it's not fun why bother.

Quitting dota2 was one of the best decisions I've made

you arent funny

You are a double nigger


Jump off a cliff and miss the puddle.

I envy people who don't know true rage, it's a constant struggle to not show that side of you, and yet it's a fight you will always lose, eventually, again and again.

Only losers care about things lmao
