Makes Yas Forums perpetually salty

>makes Yas Forums perpetually salty

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Cool thread

Triggered host detected

Being a dickwraith in the catacombs was the funniest shit.

*plays offline*

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Griffith did nothing wrong haha


>host disconnects
Lmao pussies

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who else here /GrapeGang/? Nothing quite like invading a gank squad and still coming out on top.

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>the most unique game characteristic in the fucking decade
>faggots can't handle it

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co op allows you to trivialize the game. god forbid they create something to counteract it. i don't know if they changed souls3 but it seemed to fuck invaders over hard

The guilty pay the price.

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I always die pretty soon after I beat a boss anyway

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Attached: Dark Souls 1 PvP.webm (768x432, 2.93M)

Your right, faggot invaders can't handle it when someone summons to deal with their horse shit.

Literally cope the post lmao

I like the idea of being a wildcard, but there's not enough things you can do to create chaos. After the first week, everybody knew not to summon purples as phantoms.

>tranny SEETHING

>implying they were hard
You're the same people who constantly post about how hard Oreo & Smores was when you can beat them at low levels with the starter club like its nothing.

>having a problem with wraithfags

Post the poggers edit

I would just invade and if the host was cool, I’d help him and viceversa.

I don't know why they just can't play offline

>Dat fucking health
What kind of build is this

>Yas Forums
no, what you are describing are immigrants from reddit and other places, actual pre-habbo Yas Forums posters enjoy competition and a chance to improve their skills.

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is demon's souls really the only souls games where you can play AS a boss

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>summon like a pussy
>still lose
i have like 12 pages of hatemail on steam from scrubs like you lol

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dark souls 2 mirror knight summons a player in to help him too, it's one of like three good things you can say about that game among a gigantic sea of garbage

Get dilated summoning horse dildos inside your neo-anus

Did this dude have over 3,000 HP?

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