This game is 15 years old

This game is 15 years old.

Attached: hiza.jpg (820x1080, 138.41K)

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That creator sure cant draw faces for his life

weren't they supposed to be making a game with the same type of touching gameplay? I remember reading about it like a year or two ago

>like a year or two ago

Attached: otome function.png (479x249, 34.56K)

oh wew guess its never happening then

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thats a dude isn't it?


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are you the motherfucker who said
"This game is 10 years old" 5 years ago?

cunny kino

Never ever

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Attached: serval.png (418x538, 413.09K)

This time for real.
All rights have been transfered from skyrockets to mu-soft and there have been literally zero posts after that anywhere.

>That Miyuka flash by JSK where she doms you to 'save everyone from her lolicon onii'
Gets me hard everytime

You can't hide from me motherfucker

That's too old for me.

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almost became a full-blown furry because of that game, those were the days

is this peak cunny in vidya?

>Dr Comet
>That lightsaber game with the furry sith
>That boxing game with the kangaroo

it was too much

4th post is me.
Still here and waiting.

Attached: 151013.jpg (1600x1200, 485.17K)

This game was so hot but it was hard to fap and play at the same time.

What game is this and how can I play it?

It's called soul

That's older than she is

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Never seen this, which one should I download ?
The first ? The second ? Or whatever "New Cyana" is ?

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Lost Life took the throne.

This is still the best game to filter h-game scrubs tho.

I was shocked someone remembered

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HTH2 update never ever. Crow streams progress multiple times a week, but it’s been two fucking years since the last release.

Our patience will be rewarded on day brothers

see you again in 2025

I hope so friend.
Also still waiting for VQ2.

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>tfw still waiting for Otome Function

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