Did you Let Go?

Did you Let Go?

Attached: fallout new vegas dead money gold bars.jpg (900x675, 154.81K)

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fuck no i dragged all of that shit home
let go my ass

why would gold have any worth in a post apocalyptic world where bottlecaps are the new currency

>I put all of it into a head and carried the head out
Typical reddit reply

I hope you don't kill Elijah.

still shiny

By the time I got to this dlc I was loaded with cash from gambling since I always play a 10 luck chad.


Too bad Dead Money is the least replayable DLC

There's nothing to spend money on by the time you play this DLC, why would it even be a tough choice?

Of course. I play NV and any Bethesda game the same way. I never pick up anything other than ammo for what I'm using, consumables that I'm planning on using, or any gear that are better (or that've got better durability) than what I'm currently using. I forced myself to do it at first to stop myself from hoarding useless shit, and the games are much more enjoyable.
I made the same character in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. Just an Orc fighter that use 2-handed weapons, and I just run around hitting things and upgrading as I go along. Fantastically cathartic.

Fuck no nigger, I glitched that shit through the hologram door and ran off clicking my heels.

How exactly is a hologram army supposed to take over the wasteland anyway? Is elijah supposed to somehow wheel around a thousand projectors somehow keeping them from getting destroyed?

Attached: 1582310863650.jpg (588x391, 52.04K)

Was the inofficial New Vegas HD remake (or whatever it was called) actually ever released ?

I didnt keep up with it

Attached: 1247609862154.jpg (126x126, 3.81K)

They back up currency with water and essentials commerce now but Gold is still useful for currency and has uses in medicine and electronics so yeah. And looking at it's price in caps a bar is undervalued as fuck.

I think the idea was to just drop one in a crowded area. The enemy will be too busy running from the cloud of resistance-proof poison gas to notice a projector, especially when the lasers start flying on top of all that

>There's nothing to spend money on by the time you play this DLC
in my experience Dead Money is better and harder in the way it should be if you do it before level 10. You should do Dead Money before you get to Novac in the main quest

doing it again with Light Step and GRX Implants was pretty satisfying
>walk over traps and turbo past all the radios/holograms/zombies

Legion still uses gold coins

Dead money is entirely trivalised by RAD child get to maximum radiation and you'll walk through the entire dlc being basically invulnerable because it is meant to starve you of healing.

if you made a Redguard instead of an Orc you could've continued this into Fallouts

fuck this cunt

You do know that you can get Light Step without wasting a perk by using God as your companion, right?

My last name is Goldstein


didn't notice. aside from having to use him for the fireworks, i leave him at the fountain

I took one bar, the real treasure was the BAR

why does gold have value now when all currencies are only backed by solely by faith?



The main weapon was the gas smoke fog stuff. The idea was to dump it on the dam the holograms were more guards just in case.

Don't forget the million repair kits to keep it usable.

Gold doesn't tarnish like how other metals can, is easy to manipulate, and today has uses as an electricity conductor.

thats how i got the gold out in the first place, his head is a nice storage unit for shiny objects

why did gold have value in the first place?

>small guns chump
repaired holorifle with the upgrades from vending machines is the best gun in the game

Attached: pff.png (710x577, 29.53K)

the value of NCR dollars is backed by gold (kind of) but the brotherhood destroyed the gold reserves, which tanked the NCR dollar. It's basically a fiat currency now which is why it's worth less than half a bottle cap per dollar.

So any remaining gold would be immensely valuable, at least in the NCR.

I know. There is no reason why gold wouldn't be valuable in the Fallout post-apocalypse. The growing societies are using electricity and developing infrastructure. Of course they could find a use for such a metal.

I had more caps than I knew what to do with before starting dead money. Well over 100k.

What material is Legion currency made out of and where are they sourcing it from?

see Plus people like shiny things.

scarcity, status

How the fuck are bottlecaps a currency anyway? Much less a currency accepted from coast to coast in a time when there are no communications?

>People spout Gold as being useful in future without modern technology
>Only useful with modern technology
Metalfags are the worst. They all deserve to get scammed by Peter Schiff.