Which cat is your favorite? For me is Ankha

Which cat is your favorite? For me is Ankha.

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I love Animal crossing porn

Rover > Bob > Kid Cat > Raymond > Punchy > Rudy > Kiki > Tom > Lolly > Ankha

I like Kiki

>he likes Gardevoir: The Cat

Most basic bitch taste. In fact Cats are basic bitch altogether. You're nothing. I spit on you.

Ankha is overrated meme shit that people only even like because of the flash. If she was replaced by any other character thatd be who jizzbrains never shut the fuck up about and the flash itself would be improved to boot

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I like how you can see the artist losing his focus to stay on model with Kiki and then finally giving up when it came to Olivia.

Me too user

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She is cute

Tangy was my friend back in the GC Animal Crossing.


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He is cute, my GF has him in her island, he is kinda an asshole to other animals tho.

Does being contrarian make me as cool as you?


WTFdo you mean by Gardevoir The Cat? Bitch

Mine gets along with the others fine. I haven't seen any fights so far.

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Only its funny when your fave villager lets lots of porn

this is the only cat I have

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Tangy since she's the only cat villager Ive ever had in my game. She's got a nice design too.

Kiki is my favorite. I would check in on her to make sure she wasn't moving away each day back when I played in Wild World, because that was the last AC game I played.

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I'm a big fan of sex cat.

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I currently have Monique. I'd prefer Kitty, but I'm happy with my Marilyn Monroe slutmuffin of a cat.

I like Lolly. She's cute

I’m more of a fan of cat elders.

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She is my favorite because I had her on New Leaf.

For me, it's Felicity.

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Lolly, for sure

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Merry's a big cutie

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I had her in my NL town that I only played with for a few days. Was my first AC game and I didn't like it at all, but I spent several days with the game only because I wanted to become more friends with this fucking cat. Got bored after about a week and only came back recently after like 3 years. She cried in happiness over my return and wanted me to stay for at least just a day. Getting her to my NH town is now my major goal in that game.

She looks really cute!

I had her on my town,she was really nice to me but she used to get mad at other villagers tho

I got a soft spot for Tangy since she was on my NL town
other than that just going off the image in OP I'd probably go with the black one next to ankha. I dunno their name but I like their design. Blue and grey striped one are also alright.


also mitzi and olivia

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