If Overwatch is so shit according to Yas Forums, how come there's going to be Overwatch 2?

If Overwatch is so shit according to Yas Forums, how come there's going to be Overwatch 2?

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To get another 60+ dollars from blizzdrones and children

We need more brit porn


Cause the heads at Activision Blizzard realized they can't keep pushing OW1 for 5+ years.
So they're making a soft sequel to try and revitalize hype in the brand when it's possibly far too late for most people, even though there's likely to be a high uptick in players during OW2's release just from people trying the SP out and realizing it's still shit.

fallout 3 was shit but theres been 73 sequels to it so far
i don't know about the 72 between either but the 76th one is also fucking dogshit. really hoping fallout 77 gets it right

bc it failed and nothing will really change in the new one

>according to Yas Forums
So it's the opposite of that, gotcha

Higher def models for more SFM porn.

Given the chance I would fill Tracers little clit more than niggers fill a welfare office.

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we just dont know

It's not shit it was fun for a month. Hopefully they host an open beta for 2 like they did 1 so I can gauge it and buy for myself if it seems fun, like the first.



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Shut up commie

What changes could they make to drastically improve the game? Personally, I think more resource based abilities would increase the skill gap instead of making it a turn based rpg while you wait for cool downs. Maybe they could charge based off damage/healing so skilled players get more access to them

I love brits

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So how is this going to work if anyone who has 1 can play maps from 2 including the new characters?

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>What changes could they make to drastically improve the game?
There is a lot they could do. Reworking tanks to not be boring as shit should be highest priority though.

Free Hong Kong

OW1 becomes OW2 for free. You get the new maps, new gamemode and new heroes as long as you own Overwatch. Purchasing OW2 is only for the PVE content and the graphics upgrade.

let people use duplicate heroes like and get custom maps going, role queue is horse shit, otherwise the game can't be saved

Wait, they're making the models higher definition? Ok, I'm in.

b-b-b-but chokepoints are needed! do you just want an open flat surface as every map or what!?
--this is an actual argument given by some players.

Theres a competitive mode without role queue they're testing out. It's kind of fun. No duplicates though.

t-that doesn't even affect you, you didn't give a shit about hk before!

I don't understand the issue with chokepoints. Not every map has them and there are several heroes that can leap, teleport, blink, fly, etc... through/over them anyway.

If only they were actually reworking and improving the game. Overwatch 2 is nothing but a singleplayer story mode. There's not even any reason to own it if you don't care about the story mode because both games share multiplayer.

There isn't even a Brig on Tracer animation. So sad.

the multiplayer for two is free
>you're a fucking shill
yeah probably but I'll take what i can get as a consumer on the most consumer oriented media medium

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