Now that the dust has settled at last was it good?

now that the dust has settled at last was it good?

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Eventually. As a matter of fact it was great, just not easy to get said greatness.

Yes, but still takes too long for the good part


was it a good trilogy?

Yes though XIII-2 was bogged down by Pokemon bullshit

really? monster collecting??

I'm just saying it would've benefited from full party members instead of monster capturing - XIII was better in this regard because each member specialized in each Paradigm role:

>Lightning: Commando early, transitions to Ravager
>Hope: Medic
>Snow: Sentinel
>Sazh: Synergist
>Fang: Commando
>Vanille: Saboteur

Imo yep

okay. I’ll play through the trilogy. with all this free time

the only good thing to come out of it was fang, she is so underrated compared to clouds sister lighting

Attached: Fang-Lightning-Returns.jpg (620x400, 20.81K)

It was an above average game, but a shit Final Fantasy.

But its okay because FFVII Remake is now Lightning Returns 2. Wouldnt be surprised if this ends up with Cloud fighting Bhunivelze.


These bitches have the longest legs I've ever seen

I don't remember the story but wasn't there something about Evil Space Pope wanting you dead but the whole reason why he made you his pawns was so that he could finally be killed?

Pretty close, he wanted to kill himself and his race (along with everyone else) to summon God, but because he was programmed to be unable to kill Orphan (the key to killing everyone) then he forced Lightning and co to do it.

Then Lightnings party go into the Final battle to rescue Orphan and then for no apparent reason decide to kill him instead, and then the world is saved at the last second by random deus ex machina.

it was the clear sign that square doesn´t understand their fans and instead tries to be epic big and totaly soulless.
XIII was unironically the nail in squares coffin.

Yes. It was flawed as fuck but it's core combat mechanics were fine. If they fixed the god awful pacing I feel like more people would appreciate it.

No. 13-2 took several steps back in the combat department and destroyed any sense of a coherent plot or setting. LR while fun as fuck keeps the pants on head retarded story telling 13-2 had and it looks worse than it's predecessors.

His goal was to bring down Cocoon onto Gran Pulse to summon their god back to existence.

The problem though is that Evil Space Pope is fal'Cie, who don't have true free will of their own. Humans do, so fal'Cie generally mark humans to turn them to l'Cie and give them a Focus, a task that they're required to complete.

Complete the task, they get crystallized and be functionally immortal. Fail, they become Cie'th. Also the Focus is given to them in a vague-ass way that it's up to the l'Cie to figure out exactly what they're trying to do.

It's interesting LORE if you look beyond the hallway

>Lightnings party go into the Final battle to rescue Orphan and then for no apparent reason decide to kill him instead
Etro gives them a vision when she turns them back from crystal zombies that shows them that they can use the power of Ragnarok to save Cocoon, rather than destroy it. So yes, they were saved by a double deus ex machina only to be saved again by a deus ex machina when Etro turns them back from crystal in the very last scene too.

I understand the theme they were going for (Use the big bad evil power only thought to able to destroy for good instead), but holy shit they built up to that moment in the most retarded way they possibly could.

the pacing is what drove me away
haven’t finished it solely because of that


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Havent seen that in a while

just like FFXIII

Samefagging myself, but something else that really annoyed me was that the writers intentionally tried to confuse the player to cover for their ridiculous writing in the ending. Hard to critique it if you don't know what's going on, right?

The player will only understand the ending if they read the retarded external material Square released after the game. Even the characters themselves speak vaguely and cryptically after that stupid Etro deus ex machina vision that prompts them to simply kill Orphan rather than save it

like all FF plots, the longer the plot goes on the dumber it gets

Funnily enough, I think the party using Ragnarok to stop the planet from falling and killing the evil suicidal baby that runs the planet were likely plots points early on, but the writers just didn't know how to get there. This was even foreshadowed early on in the game

Maybe they were originally supposed to find information on Ragnarok on Pulse before something like 40% of the game's content got cut mid development? Fuck, who knows. What a shitshow

Well that's the first time someones explained it to me, as the game sure as hell didn't.

The game tells you what happend at the end though.
>Datalog states that the first time ragnarok appeared she was suddenly stopped
>we know its was fang who became ragnarok and she has a special brand.
>when the whole party is turned back from cieth they all have the same brand as fang
>so whomever turned fang back also turned the others back to normal
>space pope and orphan reveal their plan was to kill everyone to cause the gates to the afterlife to burst wide open allowing to reach some divine being.
Everything that you need to know is given to you through the story. Any thing mentioned in the data log is simply fluff.

None of the greentext you wrote tells us that Etro turned the party back from Ceith and gave them a new focus, which is what actually happened. That's why they killed Orphan and used Ragnarok to simply stop the planet from falling. Aside a small line from Hope saying something like "If we have the power to destroy Cocoon, then we have the power to save it", there's absolutely nothing that clues the player in on what just happened before that scene. Even the datalog is vague in regards to what happened to Fang and Vanille prior to the game

Still ridiculous. Too many Goddess Etro interventions in the story. I think the writers knew this, which is why they were so coy on revealing it to the player

Why did XIII got 3 fucking games?

It doesn't yell you directly but it lets you know that someone is watching over the party. Even if you didn't know why exactly Etro saved them you knew she did. While I don't think they were trying to hide it from the player I do agree with you that they should've elaborated on it more.

XIV doomed the company and they had to crank out lower effort bullshit like XIII sequels and mobile ports to get by while they fixed it