Resident Evil Resistance

Why is Valerie the cutest?

Attached: 1586306859778.jpg (540x540, 39.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:!O4FUxaLS!UJVYYRG6yLfQqgU58TWfyw

More like the dumbest.

She can easily be both.

Is there any R34 of her yet?

reminder valerie mains stay winning

Attached: VALERIE MAINS WIN AGAIN.jpg (1920x1080, 259.65K)

best girl

Jan looks better than Val, but Val has the better personality

Jan? With her hairy snatch?

In my experience Val’s are either amazing or retarded, there is no in between

200+ IQ

Attached: sp.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

I'm checking my dailies today and I've got the one to interrupt a creature's grab attack 5 times.

What counts as interrupting the grab attack? Because every time I get this one I'm not sure when I've done it and I just have to keep playing until it registers as complete.

>stacked as fuck
What's not to love looking at


Basically when a teammate is getting grabbed and bitten you just melee/shoot the zombie enough times to interrupt it

>name has anything to do with how a person actually is
and you have trouble getting laid? get outta here! clown world out there bro

I've been running into a wall bros once the MM is level 22+ I feel like it's mostly futile to even bother they stomp so hard in the first two areas. I'm not even the worst player but when you connect with that Tyrone kick only lolnoudidnt. I mean I'm not gonna stop playing yet but god damn.

i remember this scene near the end of mgs4 with the microwave

Reminder to never wait for friendlies at the gate. If they ain't there when it opens, fuck 'em!

What happens if you leave before your team gets there?

You win

But what happens to the team?

You get like 1000 less points or something

Valerie is so cute, I could eat her twice!

Attached: Valerie is Cute.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

cute stupid bitch!!

Fuck 'em!

Whoops,l wrong webm.

Attached: Chinese Take Out for 2.webm (480x270, 2.25M)

Valerie isn't supposed to be Asian, is she?

>when the multiplayer sidegame has better vore than the main game
Man, that remake was disappointing.

Sam bros...we can't even say we're the damage dealers anymore...

Attached: unknown.png (1214x655, 666.95K)

Jill makes Sam obsolete?

Anyone makes Sam obsolete, he has no purpose in the game. You'd have to make him literally immune to infection to have him work decently - His dash punch is nice but you can get infected faster than you can clear it, which leads to COOF which leads to damage, which leads to timeloss repeat

Jill is better against Spencer and Daniel and Sam is better against Alex and Annette. Considering how many Daniels there are, Jill is the better choice.

The highest I've gotten with Sam is 4136. Jill does 5K and this isn't even with all the equipment damage boost loaded on her.

Attached: unknown.png (592x242, 20.96K)

Attached: dohr.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

>tfw was dreading playing GS2 after CV
>realized I have a short film and Gaiden before it
Also, current replay rankings
Wesker's Report > nothing right now
Umbrella Conspiracy > City of the Dead > Caliban Cove

Attached: resident evil list.png (3492x1405, 3.43M)

I want to suffer too user. Where can I get the books?

Laggy Daniels are the absolute worst. Literally unplayable.

That's with her ult tho. An ult that you also benefit from by not using it.

I just listened to fanmade audiobooks off of youtube while I was working, but right now I'm on a 14 day self isolation, so that plan is kind of shot unless I want to sit on a couch while listening to a 400 subscriber non-professional read out somebody's Rebecca self insert fanfic (I do legitimately adore UC and CotD though)
Here's a mega somebody posted like last week
>SD Perry Novels & Novelizations of the Live Action Films (Pass is 1010011010)!O4FUxaLS!UJVYYRG6yLfQqgU58TWfyw
I don't think they're PDFs though.