Is this really necessary to include?

Is this really necessary to include?

Attached: fairy tail game inside cover.jpg (1701x956, 384.19K)


I want to rape Lucy

No, it's called fanservice, wouldn't expect the west to know what it is anymore.

>no Cana
But why?

Yes, Otherwise we won't be able to get them torn to shreds with some good ol' ryona.

gotta give em credit for knowing what their target audience wants

Haven't you seen the show?

Attached: Erza strips OVA 9.webm (1024x576, 2.71M)


She'll either be a summon like Makarov or a guest party member like Flare.

Attached: flare fairy tail game.jpg (3840x3840, 2.24M)

>Fairy Tail will be released for PS4, Switch, and PC on June 26, 2020.
I don't even know what the fuck fairy tail is, but I'm buying it.

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Choose your party of 5.

Attached: fairy tail rpg all party members.jpg (1280x2436, 725.23K)

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It's Fairy Tail
Fucking yes, it is necessary

>no lolis

Attached: embarrassing as a human being.jpg (640x355, 23.31K)

I'm so fucking happy this happened.

In case no one knows, there was a vote for the inside cover art for this game (out of 3 or 4) by fans on the Koei website. the rest were fairly standard cool looking stuff, this was the only fanservice one.

The reaction was great as most were happy but you had a few "ugh typical this is what the alt right want in our games" comments from literal trannies. I was on the fence about getting it but I'm gonna get it now.

There's at least one and maybe even two if they don't skip this part.

Attached: loli erza.jpg (896x3776, 1.42M)

Is your outrage? Your delusion? You entitlement?

are you gonna cry? piss and cum maybe?

I choose 5 people not in that picture.

so what I gather from this is that she does not wear and underwear?

Literally the only thing that shitty anime sells on it fan service

you ok, kid ?


Her magic power lets her hotswap armor and weapons at a moment's glance
She has thousands of underwear in hammerspace for whenever she wants to equip them, or not

Do you have pics?

I will now buy your show!

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based, fuck idpol tranny psychos


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Same niggas who made up that PC shit?

yes nigga

I can't find the angry tweet threads I saw, but I'll post some salty comments from the official announcement that option C (swimsuits) won.

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Social media giving space to these kind of "people" and someone trying to appeal to them is the worst mistake of this millenia...

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I fucking love how some resort to yelling "Stop letting people vote on things! I don't like the result" though that's nothing new I guess