How are you holding up Yas Forums?

How are you holding up Yas Forums?

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I wish I had friends.

This desu.

I wish I was dead.

Christmas in jail.

Did this manga become yuritrash?

Tomoko becomes a normie with friends and yuri hijinks happen

Did she really become a normie?

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Just finished a big test for my Politics of Latin America class. I think I did well on the short answers but I'm not sure about the essay. The question was whether or not the militaristic period of Argentina and Brazil (e.g. the Vargas period) make an argument for whether military rule correlates with economic development. My answer was essentially that militaristic societies have more authority to direct the movement of the economy, and also because through imperialism they can increase the resources they have to work with through conquest. He grades a lot based on how well you make your argument and the relevance of the argument to the topic, and I'm not sure whether that's what he was looking for.

But the whole semester's been crazy due to the lockdown so who knows

me on the right

She made it user, why couldn't you?

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I found the motivation to fix myself again
Let's hope it doesn't all go away after two days again, haha...

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Called into work because I got sick yesterday and they told me to call in if I was still sick. I dont have the points for it, but I cant really show up, throwing up everywhere. I'll probably be fired when I show up tomorrow

I'm tired of this trope

Wish I had a bigger penis

It hurts when I want to workout because it shrinks so much during training. Fucking sucks. I want to get fit

>working out makes your dick shrink
What kind of drugs are you taking user?

My ex told me yesterday there was no chance if us fixing things, and today she told me she threw out all of my gifts and cards.
I was thinking of attempting suicide again, but not sure if I should.

me on the left

>attempting suicide over a woman

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Introduce her to me before you go.

I know, I'm embarrassed to admit it. Were together six years though, I dont know how to exist without her.

me outside the window

I'm married, so I think I'm pretty normal now.

I don't mind at all this more social fate for her, but it really should have been the ending to the series and then maybe a new series or saga of her going off to college and trying to use what she learned in high school to deal with the new social problems there

While everyone else is enjoying the neet life I had to keep working and seeing customers who have poor hygiene and don't respect personal space. I've now been bedridden for 3 straight days with an intense cough and shortness of breath.

I'm gonna fucking die because I wageslaved.

Move on, don't let broads control your life. Everyone fucks up somehow when they're young, at least you got experience out of it instead of being an incel NEET like most of us

None but it shrivels I mean, like when it's cold

Isnt that a normal thing?

Did the author ever get into Legal trouble over all the uncensored dick-picks we sent her?

she hasn't finished highschool yet

Went to go take a shit but time jannies stopped me. Avoided a shart though so it's all good.

I can't speak for everyone but I get erect during workout.

I know, that's my point. Save this ending for when she finishes high school.

I WILL go away eventually, user. Getting through those moments is 90% of the struggle.
Hope you make it.

I have conquered being constantly depressed and suicidal and am just depressed and suicidal when laying in bed right before going to sleep.

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Currently suffering from diarrhea and migraine, but it seems like my freelance career is kicking off. Nothing special happening during this lockdown.

playing destiny 2 atm, whatchu playing

Thanks. I'm going to Japan at the end of this year to study, so at least I have that to keep me straight. As long as we have some kind of long-term motivation, like getting a girl or impressing our loved ones, that is probably what helps a lot in times like that (next to sheer willpower).

fucking splendid actually. Been able to draw a lot, spend time on games that I'd normally deem too time-consuming, and get pretty decent at SRB2kart and smash bros. The only downside is that I'm starting to get really sick of the fast food places near me, and the Taco Bell isn't opening early enough to bother serving breakfast.

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Which radiohead doujins do you prefer? The futanari scat or the incest doujins

Was in a car accident a couple of months ago where I got permanent brain damage and a fucked up jaw.
Now I've recently having erection problems

Can't say I'm doing too well

Fuck those motivations. Do it for yourself, man. Do it so when you fap to futa on male porn you still feel masculine.