Downfall Of CDprojekt RED!


Attached: cyberpunk2077.jpg (1400x1050, 140.06K)

cool, another Yas Forums thread

What makes you think that isn't going to be in the final game?

Everything they've shown since

It's not

Attached: CarelessElaborateDove-small.gif (588x250, 782.15K)

We don't know for sure how shitty the final game will be. And they might postpone it again.

>it's another raging tranny thread
Cope harder tranny. I already preordered. Twice. One for me and one for my best friend. Everyone here already knows about your discord. Everyone here already know about your twitter schizos. So cope some more. Make more Cyberpunk 2077 threads.

Why would the stuff they've shown since make you think it won't be in the game? They've only showed 2 out of 6 districts

The only tranny here is you.


The artstyle is completely different


>n-no u dumbie!
Wow you’re so smart user

>a game where you execute women
oy vey

Almost like how different places within a real-life city have different architecture

>the discord dilation squad is here
Falseflagging trannies will flasflag. What is new?

Attached: cyberlol.jpg (640x801, 51.67K)

I know a lot of people shit post about this game but I'm genuinely sad that this game doesn't look like what I wanted. Deus Ex was able to do a good cyberpunk theme during the day so I know that's not the problem

Your reversal discord accuse doesn't work tranny. If anything YOUR from Discord desperate faggot.

Projection works in literally any situation, doesn't it?

I didn't

>Plebs still doubting based CDPR
>Plebs still thinking CDPR won't make a standalone DLC that captures the aesthetics of the 2013 teaser
Sneed, we're leaving this shitty board.

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>black qveens belong to white cock
Based CDPR.

Oh damn so that's the new in-game model huh. lmao she looks hideous

Tell me that's not the actual model...

she looks fine


Stop with the falseflagging tranny. Everyone here knows that the game has a character creator. Go make a new Cyberpunk 2077 thread.

At least wait until the game is out before complaining


You millenials from California are disgusting.

>Everyone here knows that the game has a character creator
So? Doesn't mean you'll be able to make something nice with it. Mass Effect and Outer Worlds also had character creators and you just couldn't make anything decent with it.

lol flyover cope

She is to realistic

Attached: 1558267977402.gif (512x440, 2.65M)

that looks gay as fuck

Disgusting vermin

Dios mio...

Go now,
And never come back faggot.

I'd unironically prefer an actual pitch black afro bitch with dick suckan lips than this confusing brown mystery meat

Why does this game make you all so angry?

What did you want it to look like?

>game takes place in an american city
>everyone shocked about how everyone is either black or mixed
I don't get it

it's literally an attempt to have Yas Forums threads in Yas Forums

Not what I wanted. This company had what seemed to be a bright future and they were resourceful with how they created games. Witcher 1 runs on the NWN engine and its pretty rough around the edges, but its a great game. They then went ahead and made their own engine for w2, and now the company seems to be full of californians and other outside hires who only applied to work with them because they want to jump on the bandwagon of success and probably just want to be able to say that they work there to impress people. A lot of the creativity of cpunk2077 left with some of the OG devs and they went ahead and made their own game (Ruiner). Its not looking good for this game with all the retarded twitter back and forth about politics and all of that cancerous shit taking priority over making a good game. I genuinely hate these fucking people questioning "problematic" things in media they dont even consume or that they just recently started consuming because its "cool" now or whatever. The moment corporations and journalists where allowed into gaming it was over for the medium.

From what I'm gathering from the previous thread. CDprojekt lied to us about this game.

Attached: 6560382_preview.jpg (840x774, 176.95K)

only night maps and neon lights everywhere

Wh*tes don't like to be reminded that their demographic is dying (suiciding actually), no matter how many times they say nigger on the internet.

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This the truth here,

Attached: 1575397198179 (1).png (1833x593, 181.73K)

Closer to what OP's pic showed. I know it's overplayed but the comparison to GTA 5 is funny because that's what I initially thought. I guess more in line with Deus Ex or Blade Runner
No lol

This is America. The land of the mystery meat. Next time ask for a game based in Africa.

The stuff from OP's pic is most likely still in the game, just in the higher end parts of night city like the City Center

>Never any proof
Fuck off already

the only ex-bioware dev that has anything to do with this game is working on the multiplayer backend at a separate company and left bioware before mass effect 2 came out.

I hope you're right, but I would prefer if the slums areas had a similar aesthetic to those shown in other media. Game's not even out yet so I'm reserving complete judgement until I can see more of the final release

This won't be in the game, and no, it doesn't make it better or worse

Damage control lmao!

Post the proof than you fucking mong
