Hand over the fucking 3DS and no one gets hurt

Hand over the fucking 3DS and no one gets hurt

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Shinka is fat, fat, FAT!

Why would I have a 3DS? You know that you're talking to an adult, right, Miss?

>tfw no chuuni gf

I intend to resist so I'm afraid you'll have to choke me with your thighs.

God I want to be sexually dominated by an anime girl.

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More anime autism on display. Folks, keep that shit away from your children or they'll end up like the ogres above this post.

I want to shink her bitchy a.

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Do you think she would punch me in the balls if I didn't hand it over?

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I mean, I knew you fat neckbeard virgin shitposters are degenerated, but cmon now, this is just sad

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I-it's just a DS Phat...

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That's kinda hot.

ok, shiteater

>german complaining about a scat fetish
First time for everything I guess.

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be honest Yas Forums are you strong enough to beat her?

video games

*Unleashes the hounds*

>being threatened by a 90(?) lb, 5 foot something tall Japanese girl
Do you really?

I'm knot afraid of you

Submitting to a girl I could break in half makes me hard.

*Teleports behind her*
*Calls her Mori Summer*
*Teleports away*
Heh, nothinn personel

It's her 75 lb, 4 foot girlfriend that you need to watch out for, she's got a knife

Doesnt make you any less of a fat virgin neckbeard though

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and 2 flails

Ok but if you scratch it I'll kill you

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This anime any good for someone more into seinen or similar?

>Scratches it.
>Overheats battery.
>Lose New Leaf cartridge.
What noiw?

No. It's all about cringy chuuni behavior.

Nah it's a sappy romance about a fat girl in an eyepatch getting over her depression.
I mean, it's pretty decent as far as sappy romances go though.

Damn, I was hoping KyoAni would not let me down.