Can sex appeal be brought back to western video games?

Can sex appeal be brought back to western video games?

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Honestly, no. The SJW inluence is too strong.

The fucking sexy elves from warcraft are the best work from humanity.

no, because the devs are trannies who lopped off their testicles
ironically leading to fat twitter feminists having more literal test and proverbial balls

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

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Cortana doesn’t look like that. You guys are so bad about hiding your agenda.

This, the west is cucked. Play japanese games instead

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>western games are almost all unanimously shit in every way
>b-but muh sexy will magically make them not shit!
It's honestly better this way, at least now they won't be able to trick idiots like you into blowing your cash on their garbage.


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Vote red and you'll help drive them from the industry bit by bit

if it has blacked scenes

No I'm sick of having my eyes molested by digital thots. Women should not be in vidya at all.

it's like hots is independent from blizzard.

That won't help.

Anyway, let's be honest - there is no way that the right looks better than the left here.

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No. Males devs now use video game development to get laid, they make ugly female models to get danger hair pussy.

Cammy is perfection

Have you considered not playing AAA games and playing good games instead? Or are you still mentally 12 and believe that graphics are the most important thing?

>Cortana doesn’t look like that.
She does in Halo 4. This is literally a screenshot from the game, dummy.

>You guys are so bad about hiding your agenda.
Which agenda is that? Wanting sexy girls in our games?

Nah, too objectified. Her entire ass and crotch doesn't need to be hanging out and boob socks look stupid. lol

unfortunately they don't really make AA games anymore
your choices are:
old gaems you've already played
"AA" early access scams
web based lmao social experiment meme gaems
in other words, blow it out your ass

Reminder that literally any media where you have an asskicking ""badass"" girl is pushing an agenda and a viewpoint by definition. in reality, women are not strong. women are not fierce. even the toughest women fighters would get beaten by an average (trained) man, barring steroid use or hormonal freaks of nature who are half-men to begin with. the simple fact of nature is that women have weaker bone structures, weaker builds, weaker muscles, weaker fortitude (both physical and mental - can't take a punch, etc), and weaker stamina than men. so please, bear in mind that literally any time you see a chick fighting competently or kicking loads of ass physically without using stealth or trickery, you are having an agenda forcibly shoved down your dumb fucking throat, you just might not realize it due to the distraction.

It's only going to make thing worse you dumbass. SJWs are even more rabid than before because you elected the orange retard.

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This reminds me one of the popular video game magazines did a special sexy slut themed issue, with a cover and full-page spreads of all the characters in swimsuits on a beach. I can't remember if it was EGM, Game Informer or Gamepro, and Google is pretending it doesn't exist.

yes, it can. there's some serious bounce action in Fight'N Rage with Gal. but not in triple ayyyy games because those companies are now all run by kikes that want to destroy anything whites built.

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lol which gaming webcomic is that

sjws don`t care about money but they do care about power.
if they come to the conclusion that ruining media with their proganda makes people vote for right wing parties they might change their tactic.
other then that I only see indie games stepping up as a potential solution.
sjws are just too powerful in the media, with multi billion companies like sony and micrsoft making it pretty much illegal to have hot women in their games.

Misogynistic bullshit doesn't belong in videogames and no amount of kicking and screaming will bring it back.

you are retarded if you think that sjw shit wouldn`t have played out exactly the same even if Hilary had won.

Have sex.

Stop playing AAA realism shit.

>trans anime trash

>Trying to make my life into a yuri anime
