Cyberpunk 2077 V ingame models

this is seriously one of the ugliest female designs i have ever seen in video games. not even the default from andromeda looked so bad.

what the fuck happened to cdpr? reminder these are the guys who made yen, triss, ciri and shani

Attached: 1587150936129.jpg (1079x1350, 695.04K)

wow if only I could change their appearances

Cyberpunk is still gonna sell 25 million copies and
be game of the decade. You bitter losers won't ruin
this game. So stop trying to make it the next Tortanic.

wow, another Yas Forums thread

Angry anons can't ruin a game, user. Only the developers/publishers can. Also, sales numbers don't indicate quality.

Who is that old crack whore, where is my latina qt V? Wtf cdpr?

I miss her, Yas Forums.

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It's got a 9 inch cock in those pants.

Attached: Laff.jpg (258x245, 12.45K)

If only you could customize your character, oh well time to rage about more important issues.

new one is sexier

I bet when everyone was shitting on Andromeda's main character you were around joyfully joining the hate. Main character has always better quality than the rest of the presets so it's fucking important how she looks. Go suck cdpr dick somewhere else you fucking shill

If you like goblina trannys on crack then yes

Something something augmented dong, something something break through walls in detroit.

>this is seriously one of the ugliest female designs i have ever seen in video games
She looks more how americans will look in the future due to ''browning of America'' than previous model, so it's a spot on.

What do women/fags of Yas Forums think of new male V? I personally think the E3 2019 looked the best, he looked like he fucked a lot of a babes.

Attached: putin-staring-at-a-cat-inside-a-computer-screen-monitor.jpg (735x456, 77.44K)

yen, triss, ciri, and shani are from a fantasy setting while cyberpunk is a future cyberpunk dystopia

Maybe that's why the gameplay trailer V looked better than every other one? They're using different models for what, almost every time they show off to the public? They're probably just bashing in the message that V can look however you like.

Not black enough.

well, that's a shame, old femv were cute

Honestly I typically play male characters when given the chance, especially if there is gay romance.

The game takes place in california so they are sticking to source material

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>make her uglier
>but also give her heels
I'm confused. Also heels are out of place in that biker outfit

Aren’t u allowed to customize ur character? Why is this an issue

Why does the guy character look so generic. He looks like an adult middle schooler.

They got infected by SWJ's and most the old team has long left the company

>Why does the guy character look so generic
not a bad thing
>He looks like an adult middle schooler.
because they dressed him like a sk8ter boi, but female version still has the manly biker fit

>he still thinks this isa thing
By the time cyberpunk is released you'll only be able to choose between female v and male v, except it will be labaled as "body type" instead of gender to not upset the tranny tweeters


>what the fuck happened to cdpr?
Game staff filled up with womyn. I don't have the image saved but Witcher had nearly all-male staff; Cyberpunk has about 40 women on board in decision making roles

Can someone put guyV's head on femV's body and vice versa?

I did but it still looked hilarious because of many other edits you had to make to make bodies correspond to their genders

Didn't you just make this thread