Why is "linear" a valid criticism?

why is "linear" a valid criticism?

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more like tight, tonally consistent and highly polished cunny.

The only criticism i can give to something linear is that it kills the replay value which might not even bother some people who just play a game once and move on to something else

Depends on the price, if I pay $100 for a linear game I probably only play once I feel a bit ripped of since it will most likely be a 20 hour game

But linear games are usually the ones with the most replay value.

if its good and linear ill usually play it again
50 quadrillion side activities in a massive boring open world game is a turn off.

Because "player choice" is a selling point that the industry has made suckers eat to defray criticism about their lack of talent in creating a strong, compelling experience.

But I love The evil within


When people say "Linear" they think "corridors with no exploration" and granted that's the way most games described as linear are anymore.

Lmao based.


It is not, it's an adjective used to describe wether a game has a single path and there's no backtracking, or at least not out of free player will.

If a linear game is good or bad that's entirely different.

I have replayed more linear games than open world games actually.

Persona games are linear as fuck but I've replayed all of them multiple times

How about a tight, tonally consistent and highly polished open world game?

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Is final fantasy 7 linear?

what's wrong with corridors without exploration?

>crafting system
The more i play videogames the more i hate this fucking shit

just give those items to merchants and add some value to gold

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not enough dev time for that

sure but Rockstar only have so many games

It isn’t, only the obnoxious fanbase of this game think so.

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not every game needs to be open world
and not every game needs to be linear
but turning a open world game into a linear game . its shit and viceversa too

I have replayed Disgaea games, final fantasy games, SMT and Persona games, dragon quest games, and many others multiple times.

I have replayed one time or carina of time and one time San Andreas&Vice City. All other open world games I have thrown them into the trash as soon as I'm done with them.

Replaying games with a 100s fetch quests are not my way of having a good time.

its only a criticism if you don't like it, in the same way that turn based can a be a criticism if you prefer real time, but its just about taste.

You can actually have corridors with exploration.

name one

I'd argue taking an average open-world game, scrapping the open-world and chores and having a shorter playtime would 9 times out of 10 make a better game

Linear games have great replay value. Different characters, weapons, etc. all give you replay options.

>valid criticism
It isn't either of those things