Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated - Pre-Order Trailer

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Dumb neo-nazi game made by neo-nazis

couldnt care less, fuck off


is the cut content just shit being added to the multiplayer? since i have seen the concept art for that Squidward robot or will it be shit in single player 2?

From what I can tell the cut content is the backdrop for multiplayer. Robo Squidward, Patrick's Dream, etc.

New Jellyfish Fields footage:

Full gallery of all the new screenshots:

Trailers for the Collectors Editions:

What's that tall thin structure on the left? Pretty sure that wasn't in the original.

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the bungee tower from the Goo Lagoon carnival

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Did they ever confirm if they got mr Krabs' actual voice?

also, a screen of the cutscene you get after beating the final boss with all spatulas:

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Ah yes, well spotted. Looks much taller than it actually is from a distance.

All those models look unfinished and souless

SHiFT said that if they got Clancy Brown to re-record the lines, "voice-actor union laws" would require them to have to re-record the lines for EVERY other voice actor in the game as well.

so, no. sadly

>dude unions are good

Gary mains, rise up.

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>unions ruining vidya too
Is there anything they don't ruin?

still bummed that they're using the same skybox gradient for Sandy and Squidward's dreams.

hopefully they change it

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during these hard and trying times a spongebob game is just something we heckin need right now. anyone up for starting a petition for the devs to release this game sooner?

I'm waiting for the DAH remake still.

no, be patient. they're still polishing the game, and parts of it still look janky and rough.

just wait 2 months.

any release date yet?

June 23rd

Nobody cares, go shill your trash game on 8kun fucking nazi company.

this honestly looks pretty bad. it's like they just gave the game better graphics and nothing else, the animations are awful and all the areas they showed in that trailer look like they have the exact same layout as the original. i guess it's fine if you haven't played the original game tho.

Downtown looks fuckin' rad. it was always my favorite level as a kid

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If anything the game needs to be delayed to polish out some odd quirks like


It's literally an HD port and should be called that instead.

DIEEE nazi

They had one job

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Lurk more newfag. The company who made this game posts on Yas Forums and 8ch

>they just gave the game better graphics
>the levels have the same layout
...what did you expect, a new game? it's a remake, that's what it's supposed to be.

it has new content, like the multiplayer mode.

oh i didn't realize thq nordic made it

Want to k now what I hate? Fucking Nazis and Drumpf supporters

Any actual proof for this?

same, music was great there as well

the FF7 remake has brainwashed chumps like him into thinking a remake has to be a complete overhaul.

the fact that this is a remake like the Spyro and Crash remakes is fine, and makes perfect sense.

yeah but the physics and animations look like they're just ported from the original, it looks like shit

>r u trolled yet???

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google it you fucking retard

>the fact that this is a remake like the Spyro and Crash remakes is fine,
Considering all of those were pure trash and the level design and gameplay outdated as fuck, no, not really.

if anything, the physics look worse. using Sandy's lasso to swing was a fun mechanic in the original, but in the trailer (0:27) it looks god awful

THQN did an AMA on 8ch around the time this and the Destroy All Humans remakes were announced without knowing much about the site and got shit on immediately because 8ch is full of crazies and pedos. They admitted they fucked up and moved on.

Have we seen Mr. Krabs' dream yet?

no, not yet.

>Inb4 it also uses that pink/blue gradient

ugh, you're probably right.
SpongeBob's dream does.

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for me, its jellyfish fields

considering that it seems to be an "introduction" of sorts, are we gonna get intros to the other levels like it? i'm personally wanting to see a bit more of dutchman's graveyard.

Are you guys sure that's what that is? Looks like the sea needle.

I hope so. a trailer for every level would be great
I wanna see more animations of the Dutchman. they did a great job with his 3D model, he's one of the best looking characters in this new version

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sea needle is on the right

the sea needle's on the right, goo lagoon and the bungee tower are the left

yup, pretty sure

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i havent watched him in a year or two, whats his PB nowadays?

Dutchman in 3D is what has me excited to finally watch the stop motion Halloween special in season 11, but I'm taking a break from the show for now so I can watch other shows

not sure. but I've enjoyed watching his streams lately. he banned the diaper gross out humor that was plaguing his chat for almost a year

Anyone else bothered a bit by how fucking bright the game is?

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>spoonfeed me because I'm too fucking stupid

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