No fucking games

No fucking games.

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shut up nigger

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Isn't Animal Crossing blowing away every single release this year so far? Both in sales and reviews?

Imagine op posting complete and utter shart bait and getting 1 (you) for it.
What a pathetic usless shitlord

Animal crossing is for toddlers and women.

I'm almost positive that women and children make up the smallest portion of Animal Crossings playerbase, but you're a shitposter anyways so it hardly matters what you think. You're just looking for attention on a Korean underwater basket weaving forum

Money is for children.

Nintendo is for babies. There, I said it. Nintendo is for little retarded babies.

You realize a Mario game is in that image right

Money is for babies.

Mario games are for toddlers
Zelda games are for women

Imagine being a grown man and playing a baby game. Kys

Is linguini's memeys 3 worth full price? I remember the last two being super short.

My Little Pony was meant for kids under 12, but there's a whole board on this site for 40 year old men who watch it.

>Women make up the smallest portion of the Animal Crossing playerbase

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Guess the switch is convenient if you need to game and cant leave your crib. Faggot

I think all of them are worth full price, the orignal is so much fun to revisit every year in october, 2nd game I've only played twice, but I do plan on playing 3 again this year

Men who pretend they're women aren't actually women

I'm honestly not that impressed with the new Luigi's mansion. I've got through 8 floors and I really don't like how goofy the game is, how much hand holding there is or how money just literally everywhere. Sure it has better graphics I guess but it just feels like complete baby mode.

Not suggesting the original was scary at all but it had an atmosphere that felt eerie and consistent with being set in a haunted mansion.

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What? Persona 5 Royal kicked its ass.

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Yeah? Video games in general are almost entirely male dominated.
Unless you count candy crush and shitty Facebook games.

Yeah sorry I forgot Animal Crossing was a hardcore challenging game for men and not about collecting dresses and making your town pretty.

That game came out 2 years ago

I could just simply name 5+ games that came out in 2018, 2019, and 2020 but you would say they don't count, so what is this thread for?

> Animal crossing doesn't count, smash doesn't count, splatoon doesn't count, tetris 99 doesn't count, astral chain doesn't count, etc etc etc...
what is the point of arguing with people like this?

Smash isn't a video game, it exists solely to shit up the catalog.

user, I've played it. It's a video game

Why would you argue online with annoymous underage shitposters that made an awful thread for the sole purpose of farming (You)'s?

Are you a woman or something?
Only women think that men are all RAAAAA HARDCORE

Oh, I see now.

Retards calling no games aren't Sonyfags, they're casualfaggots who only play Zelda, Mario, and with cardboard. Thanks for making it clear user.

You're the one who said women play candy crush and facebook games while also claiming they aren't the biggest portion of the Animal Crossing playerbase.

[citation needed]