A bunch of fans make a better remake than a AAA company

>A bunch of fans make a better remake than a AAA company
>Its the entire game and not a part of a game

Attached: unknown-2.png (1024x768, 1.24M)

a smash thread died for this.

Based. Final Fantasy should’ve ended as a franchise a long time ago. It’s now just a cash grab franchise to sell to retarded trannies and girls.

I'll bump this just to see people trying to cope against this

>16 years in development

yet still not good enough to replace the original


Attached: 24141.png (775x63, 10.94K)


This game looks pretty fun. I'll probably play it when it goes on sale

>HL aged worse than Unreal
>HL aged worse than Duke Nukem 3D


I played the original when it released and I think BM is one of the rare examples of a remake that is an adequate starting point for newbies. In most cases I would advise playing the originals but if someone played BM instead of HL1 I would be ok with it because BM is so good and does such a good job of revamping HL1. That said, they are both unique experiences and should still all be enjoyed at least once.

>11 years in development

Attached: 1586556444746.jpg (600x600, 266.67K)

That's look legit trash for Xen.

how many years it took?

yeah thats right

Stop replying to the autist, he literally makes thousands of threads posting images of some old message board posts

Attached: 47A6434CB6874D12995ADB13D56D400A.png (5120x2576, 1.78M)

it was announced in 2015

Good effort, but both HL and Black Mesa are boring after a while. The visuals are pretty nice I guess.

FF7R was a tease as early as 2006.

Black Mesa dropped the ball on literally everything but the visuals and Xen map

>How does it feel to be retarded

Literally cope: the post.

It’s known that there as some salty asset-makers on Yas Forums that tried to make assets for the BM project but were rejected and now dedicate their efforts to shitting on BM and its devs.

Development started way before announcement.

Attached: T52w31O.png (875x206, 106.22K)

Shut the fuck up,
Xen looks like shit.
Barry I know this is you

look at the schizo calling out random names like he thinks there’s a conspiracy

These are your naysayers, Yas Forums. Laugh at them.

New Xen overstayed its welcome.

Sure thing Barry,
What's next?
You already been shat on for using that.


Your pathetic Barry.

This, it's trash

Yeah, the series should've ended on IX.

I believe Sakaguchi left by IX.

DW is right, Opposing Force is the only worth playing hl game.

That is a typo. What autistic believes he started work on a remake at launch 23 years ago?

11*. The final installment of Compilation was in 2009.

>23 years ago
that's not what the pic is saying at all

lmao what a dishonest person you are
