Imagine paying for vidya

>imagine paying for vidya

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Only leftoids steal games from hard working creative devs, just like they steal everything else. Parasites

I do imagine it. I'm given few opportunities to follow through after pirating because most of the games are just not worth it. If I could pay all the developers $1 as an "at least you tried" offering, I would. I'd probably also have only spent like $50 on vidya in the last year.

The lmao part is just cringe. Pics better without it

You could actually donate that one dollar, but you don't. Because you're full of shit

or because I can't do it anonymously, conjecturefag

Parasite. You're stealing bread from tables.

pirate before you buy. always

Am I the only one who pirates games at release then chooses which ones I liked enough to replay and then waits a few years to buy the "gaem of the millenium edition" at -75% for like $10?

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some games are unpirateable. i had to give in to rdr 2

>imagine being a thief
>imagine doing mental gymnastics to attempt to justify being a thief

How many games have you pirated Yas Forumsros? I think I'm probably in the 300 range

No mental gymnastics here. No shame in my game (that I pirated)

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I give you a 3/10.
You're a shit-eating unethical thief, but at least you know that's what you are, and you're honest about it. I can accept that.

>stealing games from devs
This might be surprising to you, user, but game developers get paid hourly. You aren't stealing from hard working creative devs; you're stealing from publishers.

And you aren't even stealing anything. Stealing is defined as taking someone else's property. Pirating is copying and thus isn't stealing by definition.

>wasn't gonna buy it anyways
>original remains in possession of owner

Why does that matter? Convenient that you now have another excuse

I used to do that, but now I have so little faith, or desire for any part of the current system to continue that even that is too generous. This is the looting phase of civilization. Fuck it all.

>facts = mental gymnastics
Nothing was stolen, idiot.

>imagine being a nigger for free
If the game doesnt have demo or have Denuvo=Pirate.

>some faggot paints a picture
>locks it up in his house and charges people $60 dollars to look at it
>walking by his house one day and he has the window open
>see the picture with my eyes and store the information in my brain as a memory
>he sues me for illegally looking at his picture and storing the information in my brain because that specific arrangement of colors in that specific order was owned by him and no one was allowed to look at it without his express permission

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>wasn't gonna buy it anyways
I find it hard to believe that if piracy was completely impossible, you would just stop gaming

Analogy would be better if you broke into his house and took a picture of the painting for your own use. As it stands it's not like pirates are stumbling across the game for free when in the same way you'd stumble across the window

>some faggot paints a picture
>locks it up in his house and charges people $60 dollars to look at it
>walking by his house one day and he has the window open
>take a picture of the picture so I can look at it whenever I want without paying, as well as let other people look at it without paying
>he sues me for illegally taking a picture of his picture and showing it to other people because that specific arrangement of colors in that specific order was owned by him and no one was allowed to look at it without his express permission

the ownership of a resource not vital to one's own survival is immoral. Charging for access to a purely hedonistic service is immoral and vile. Stealing is immoral, but it can only be said to be immoral if the removal of the stolen resource from the original owner would somehow be detrimental to their health and/or safety.

Given that data is not crucial to the survival of a person, copying the data, not stealing it, does nothing to deprive the original holder of ownership of said property. Even if one were to physically remove the access to the data from the original owner somehow, it would not be immoral, as the data is not crucial to the survival of the owner.

If the original owner is using the data as leverage to extort resources from others, such as money, then he is immoral as he is hocking hedonistic wares to those under the influence of mammon. Piracy, or the illegal copying and distribution of intellectual property "data" is not immoral. It is, in fact, ethical, in that you are providing the data to those without extorting them of their resources.

ownership of profligate property in order to extort resources is intrinsically amoral and inherently wrong. Piracy is the moral action of providing this property without extortion.

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holy based

>tfw I just pirated a game and my PC is too shit to play it without GPU dying

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If a game I want to play is easily piratable, I pirate it. If it's not, then I buy it.
The jews will never get me to pay for online, though. No matter how "cheap" or how much "free stuff" they throw in.

lmao'ing at you
>nobody should invent or create anyfuckingthing because theres no reason to do so
>incentivizing fucking anything is immoral and wrong
>people should all just sit on their hands and wait in line for the weekly ration of potato

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Brainlet disguising as a philosophy Chad. The developer will absolutely be using the money to pay for his food and shelter, so according to your own logic, it would be immoral to take the game from him. ALSO
>selling goods is immoral
Lmao I take it you live in the woods then, you're posting this from a pc or phone not essential to your survival

No one should invent or create anything for the sole purpose of making money. True creativity comes from the passion of BEING creative, for the sake of being creative. The most valuable inventions are made from the passion of the inventor. The most vile of creations is made from the greed of it's creator.