Post cursed video game images

Post cursed video game images.

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They should have upped the amount of campers, at the very least. I only get one a week.

If there's no announcements, don't waste my time with this crap.

Also, why does Isabelle give a shit if the weekend is coming up? She works 24/7

She should announce if special NPCs show up at least

it makes me sad that isabelle can't leave her desk in this game

all the NPCs are trapped in their workplaces. isabelle, nook, the ables, the dodos. they're just glorified menus. the world would feel more real if they actually had shifts and could leave when they aren't working and be interactable. have digby or phyllis or someone take up the night shift and let isabelle sleep or hang out

This game sucks

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I don't get why everyone's so upset about this, shit takes up like thirty seconds on a bad day and it's only when you first play it that day.

Maybe it's just because I played a lot of splatoon (and a bit less of splatoon 2) but having to waste at least a full minute even if I mashed A through it all literally every time I booted the game up compared to this makes this feel like absolutely nothing.

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it only annoys me because there are things she could actually announce like weather forecasts or traveling merchants but doesn't

I haven't had a single one since the first.

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It's repetitive and a bunch of shit she could tell you (visiting NPCs and such) she doesn't. It's a waste of time.

yeah see that's actually a fair criticism but I keep seeing people complain and from how they act they just seem upset about the fact that she's there when they boot it up at all

Yeah, the TV in Stardew Valley was actually more interesting than Isabelle. Why can't she just say it's a bright and sunny day at least? Or that a new bridge was built?

This, one time I didn’t see Gulliver until I was about to turn the game off

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fuck isabelle
I miss tom nook on the mic

>Get my first camper since the forced tutorial one today
>Really want to cycle out my DIY-furniture villagers so that all my townsfolk have their true houses
>Ask him to join
>He refuses

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>villager wont join unless you guess what card they draw

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Human Isabelle is cute! Cute!

Me, too. I liked how he called every day a happy day.

It kinda sets the mood for the entire day you spend with the game. When you've done practically everything there is to do and got your 5 star island, the only thing breaking the monotony is the prospect of a new villager moving in. Maybe she could also talk about some other useful stuff like other anons mentioned. As it is now, it's just an announcement that today is gonna be just like yesterday, you shake all the trees, talk to all the villagers with the same repeated lines of dialogue (best thing that can happen is if the one guy you hate wants to leave), wait for Nook's and Able's to open to check what they have in inventory for today, and when all that's over, that's that for the day, even if you want to do so much more.

it takes 3 stays to get them to move in

You have to keep bothering them until they say they'll move. It works even if you have a full village.

harrass them

So I have to ask him to join me one 3 separate days before he'll say yes? Or have I already messed up by asking him to move in on the first day?

What was she doing in there?

That's just the amiibo campers, right? Normal campers are gone the next day.

just keep talking to them

it would be better if she was a POC.

you have to ask to join 3 separate times.
I didnt know they had differences i thought a camper was a camper


nah she's too timid. works better as a smol white girl

My wife is building these giant shitty staircases all over my comfy camplands island. She's arguing that the stupid fucking AI needs to get to higher ground. Who gives a shit? I want my aesthetic back! Shit cuts right into the middle of my orchard to go to some empty plateau. She has no imagination she just farms resources and never builds anything, never contributes to the museum or anything and now she suddenly cares about putting a big fucking staircase right in my exotic bamboo area? REEEE why didn't they give us multiple profiles?

Cool, thanks

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at least she would be mexican, not white.

>all my stalls with nobody working behind them

>tfw no latina isabelle gf

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she's too diligent and hardworking to be mexican

Why does she have a glass of whiskey on her desk the whole time? Fucking alcoholic

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shizue is obviously a hard working little asian woman

Eating sardines with the mayor. You can see some spilled on the floor. It was very hot so he took his clothes off.

Don't you see the fish on the bed, dummy?

She's a dog.




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Why does she even say this? It wouldn't even be a noticable problem if the line was removed outright. Nobody would notice or care

Amiibo campers take three days. A regular random one is there for just a day and then they're gone. You just have to keep pestering them until they ask to kick out another villager.

But user she finished her crossword puzzle again last night

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That's adorable. I need to play this.


>Isabelle announcing that she found one of her smelly old socks behind her washing machine
Suddenly this feature isn't so bad anymore.

>human Isabelle

Oh my god is that a real announcement in game