What the absolute fuck is this tedious dog shit?

What the absolute fuck is this tedious dog shit?

Attached: 370A2AB6-4480-4A41-8CC7-FB60020B8260.jpg (1280x720, 62.61K)

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>can only be staggered by a specific move
Wow, such helpful information. Thanks game.
I just let Bioga chip away at almost all his HP, and then I figured out that the thrust was the move.

Even worse, what the fuck is this dumb tank shit afterwards. The game feels like it should have stopped 4 hours ago.

Hit him during reload. Also he's not immune to stop so you can just cast that and wreck his shit.

>Imagine being outplayed by Rufus

Put a tight rope around you neck, there is no hope for you life.

>t. hasn't even played the game
I beat him retard, but it's trash design. Literally there to pad out the last hour with "huurrr dunno try BRAVER lmao"

lmao thrust was not the move you idiot

try counterstance you bumbling retard. I had him dead in 3 minutes first try and it was fucking sick

This was by far the easiest boss.
Kill doge, counter, counter counter dead

Well it dealt massive damage and sent him reeling with each use, so it was better than waiting 30 minutes for him to slowly die of poison while I barely chipped away at him with basic attacks.

it's fine, you just aren't good at the game. happens.

Lmao just use Braver

Not OP, but how the fuck would counterstance work against him? It functions the same as punisher mode, where it will only counter melee attacks, and Rufus only uses ranged attacks.

Fuck off nigger. Guessing the correct move has nothing to do with skill. Hell, if anything I'm better than you because I didn't need whatever the weakness was.

Bro if you cast thunder on him while he’s zipping around it stops him flat lmao you’re some who just mashes square huh

>Not OP, but how the fuck would counterstance work against him? It functions the same as punisher mode, where it will only counter melee attacks, and Rufus only uses ranged attacks.

Wrong and wrong

>Fuck off nigger. Guessing the correct move has nothing to do with skill. Hell, if anything I'm better than you because I didn't need whatever the weakness was.
Also wrong, it's simple deduction.
The game wont make it a skill from an optional weapon so it immediately boiled down to braver and focused thrust, and making the standard stagger move the solution was pointless and redundant. I used braver instantly and it fucked him up.

>this amount of cope
guys it took me FOREVER to figure it out what the move was lol when I did it was super EZ. it was the wrong move!!!!

way to backpeddal from your first statement. I'm not the user you're replying to but I know he means that the move is counterstance. Rufus as any other human is also very weak to fire which also works wonders.

>getting filtered by the casual filter boss

You can hit him with magic and then hit him with a full fucking melee combo
You can dodge basically all of his attacks and can build ATB by blocking them
He has the most obvious attack window in the entire world

Anybody complaining about this boss has no idea how the fucking game works and refused to try anything but mashing square

FFXV combat in FFXV
>woah this sux
FFXV combat in FFVII with a HUD
>woah this is complex and amazing
whats wrong with ffags?

its really ironic that Yas Forums complains about kingdom hearts and then when they go up against a boss with openings even more obvious than a typical kingdom hearts boss they're completely flummoxed and have no idea what to do

hint: wait for the opening or hit him with a spell and make an opening
hell, a limit break almost kills him from full hp

I wasn't aware you could just hold down a button and have the game play itself in FF7R.

t. hasn't played the fucking game

i dont remember my abilities, items and spells being locked behind an ATB bar in ffxv

>dont have any issue with him shotgunning his way around nothing personal kid style
>have a real big issue with his stupid belt skirt thing when he had a nice coat in the og.

what the fuck is wrong with their designs.

they were
yeah you gotta stagger it like XIII first

I'm 99% sure ff fans are all just fujos who get angry if the cast isn't 95% fujobait

this is literally the only classically nomura design in the remake you should be thankful it's limited just to him

>I'm 99% sure ff fans are all just fujos who get angry if the cast isn't 95% fujobait
Are you trying to imply that FF7R isn't full of fujobait?

I've mentioned the belt skirt three times here on the past few days and I've yet to see anyone else say something. It's my biggest problem with the game, what in the fuck.

Also in the original he wore two coats, I didn't remember that and was surprised by how dumb that is as well... even though it's nowhere near as bad as a belt skirt

>Wrong and wrong
Cloud only counters melee attacks, he cannot counter ranged attacks. This is a fact.
>Also wrong, it's simple deduction.
>The game wont make it a skill from an optional weapon
Why wouldn't the game make it a skill from a different weapon? Iron Blade is mandatory at the very least, and there's no way I was expecting reasonable design from shit with time jannies and super padded dungeons.

What cope? How am I backpedaling? I just said how counterstance couldn't be the move, and I don't care if the thrust isn't the proper move, as it still massively fucked Rufus up and ended the fight rather quickly once I started using it. I couldn't use Fire since I didn't have that materia on Cloud.

>beat him first try
>somehow this is getting filtered
You're retarded. Stop spouting buzzwords without knowing the meaning of them.
It was not a hard fight it was just a tedious one.

no, that's why FFVII is liked and its combat which is just a mish mash of two games the fanbase hated is adored
because they can just shove the controller in their retched axe wound and think about cloud fucking sephiroth

>Cloud only counters melee attacks, he cannot counter ranged attacks. This is a fact.
The ability counterstance ignores this rule

probably FF7 having more than 3 buttons and more than 1 button that wasn't "hold to dodge/defend" helped with that

uh huh

if it was tedious you were doing something wrong. this applies to pretty much every boss too. not doing hell houses mechanics properly makes that fight last like 40 minutes

It does not. When using it just to max out the proficiency, I received several gunshots and Cloud sat there and did nothing, and then the time for the move ran out, and he just did that weak little compensation attack.

it does not counter non abilities if they are ranged

Almost every boss took at least 20 minutes, they were all really tedious. Rufus didn't have nearly as much HP bloat, but I had no idea what to use on him, and had to waste a decent amount of time healing with shitty mega-potions since Cloud wasn't my dedicated healer. Since I couldn't manage to deal much damage with my basic attacks, I just cast Bioga to do the work for me. It wasn't until he was like at half health that I thought to use the thrust since it was the only move that seemed quick enough to him in during a reload. Triple Slash was quick too, but I knew that he counters every third hit, so I figured that would just be a bad choice.

Speaking of Hell House, that one took me a good while despite having all the proper elements for it. It just took me a bit to get used to the timings of his elemental changes and when he'd be open for attacks, and also summoning Shiva was a mistake that healed him for like an extra 4000 HP.

Well, all that it told me when I was using it was that it was just the same thing as punisher mode's counter, but worse since it cost ATB, and I never used it again after learning it.

>God House

yeah sure sounds like you're complete dogshit at the game lmfao. rufus took me like 10 minutes to beat, i felt bad cause he was such a fun fight

Just remember that this is the mental capacity of the TOR-tanic shitposters. Imagine getting filtered this hard by one of the easiest bosses

Attached: worried doggo.jpg (313x286, 31.16K)

If you just counter the dog and use the obvious attack on Rufus you can kill them all in like under 3 minutes


What a fuccboi. Hopefull you can cut his body into little pieces and mail it one piece at a time to the Turks as a sidequest

>Getting filtered by the pistol boss

Attached: blocks-your-path.jpg (1024x768, 773.39K)

Is Rufus gay?
>Cloud: "Lets get this over with"
>Rufus: "Aw Don't say that"

>"You like that? Of course you do"
>"Just the two of us"
>"Naughty Naughty"

>The game feels like it should have stopped 4 hours ago
20 hours ago. The game should have stopped 20 hours ago considering all the damn filler that's just meant to pad shit out for no good reason.

triple slash

Clearly not, as I was able to beat the game just fine. You cannot beat this game without learning it unless you're playing on easy or classic.

I'm not a tortanic poster, I wanted this game to be good. Its a shame that what I received was a 2/10 instead of an 8/10, but whatever, I was mostly over being pissed about it a day after beating it.
Again, this isn't a case of being filtered, you brainlet. A filter would imply that you cannot get past it. Me and OP both got past it, I got past it on my first try. No one was filtered by this.

I have to wonder if you're actually this retarded, or if you're just coping with the fact that it was a disaster by trying to act like it was flawless and everyone else is the issue.