Jessie, Aerith, or Tifa?

Jessie, Aerith, or Tifa?

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Depends which has a bigger dick.

Aerith, she's cute in the game and IRL

>Tifa's va has small tits

All of them because I'm a thirsty pig. Mutt on the right is the cutest but she'll be bald soon

man the chin on that jesse va could be used to make the next buster sword

>Jessie's VA is ugly as sin
>Aerith's VA is the only decent looking one
>Tifa's VA is a lightskinned nig nog with a big ass forehead and receding hairline.

It's sad because Jessie's VA sounded the cutest but she looks like transgender with a man face.

I love Briana!

>cuter than the petite blonde
Get your head checked m8

Aerith is cute in game and in real life

good god, then niggas wonder why some fags preffer videogame women...

Yeah wtf, you need her voice to have the sound of big tits, this is an outrage


I assume the vast majority will go with Aerith.

is she shopped? I know she's ugly but damn her face looks so small compared to the size of her head

Left is thicc and therefore the best

The one on the left seems to be fun to go out for a drink.
The middle one to fuck.
The one on the right to get married.

Can't speak for the mutt on the right but I know for a fact that angles suck in this picture. Jesse and Aeriths' VA's are both freaking cutie patooties.

And I'm sure you are just a perfect male specimen

Game: Tifa > Aerith > Jessie
Voice actress: Aerith > Tifa > Jessie
Game Jessie is still waifu material but the competition is strong.

how old is she?

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whichever one has the nicest bush, which i hope is the big tiddy mommy fridge on the left.

>makes voice for a game
>immediately take the opportunity to become famous on twitch

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not cuter than aerith but she looks really cute in other pictures. it's just a shame about the hairline.

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Tifa is black LUL

she's been a streamer for years, why stop now that people actually know who she is?

Got DAYUM I want to suck on those milkers

>She's also a huge Zelda nerd
Based. She should voice Zelda, but Nintendo will never pay the big bucks.

She's actually pretty

turning 28 this month

She needs to be bred

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I want Erica Lindbeck to bully me and I'm man enough to admit it.

>a white woman with a tan is black

Weird face but nice tits. She looks like fun in the sack.

Easiest choice in the world

>being a tan means you're part black
if she's black it would probably be like 1/4th at most, her features are hardly black.

are you gay?

>Sephiroth and Cloud both voiced Griffith

what are the odds of that


Erica has really sexy hair and eyes

>Not breeding with an amazon to produce the strongest offspring in the world

she was a youtuber and streamer before she was aerith's voice, moron. she made a video announcing she got the part.

I'd say he's high-test

>Actual tranny man face

The face kills my boner. I'd have to put a bag over her head.

she just did the victory fanfare in aerith' voice, bros


absolute unit

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OMG she is a true gamer XD

So she's into BDSM or likes dominating men? Weird. I'm not into that.

It’s really unfortunate that it’s her jaw bones that create the wide face. If it was just her fat she could lose it and have a more skinnier face. What a damn tragedy.

>voice actress somehow looks cuter than the anime character she voices
if only there was a tifa counterpart

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Girl on the left. Not memeing. I want strong chad sons. Since I'm a manlet with an ok jaw, she might fix the flaws in my future genetic code.

Are YOU gay?

i can tell they love BBC

Holy shit, I've seen better passing trannies on Yas Forums. I'd nut hard on middle doe.