What's their relationship?

What's their relationship?

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kill yourself.

BarretxTifa made more sense than the crush she had for the kid she gave zero fucks about before they met at the watering hole. Would have made a good mother for Marlene.

Red XIII x Tifa made more sense

Tifa is not into niggers, she's chinese, chinese fucikng hate niggers.

John and his ho.

>she's chinese
worse than niggers

Kill yourself faggot. Fuck you and your ugly family, I hope they are killed in a car accident. Thread hidden.

They honestly play it at first like this big black guy is railing your gf, and only with a little patience do you realize Barret is basically married to ecoterrorism and is a good guy for his daughter. I remember thinking this on my first play through decades ago. Yeah Barret and Tifa are entirely not in a relationship, but the game was designed to not make you sure of that until you played more

Chinese atleast build civilizations, niggers only destroy or more precise bring down civilizations to their level.

go back to redddit

Mutt's law in full effect.

chinese are destroying the world now

Tell that to Chinese eat dogs, they don't fuck em. It's white girls the ones having sex with dogs.

Big bro and lil sis.

Cloud x Barret while Tifa watches them fuck in the corner.

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go back to China

They are just friends, because she is supposed to be one of claud love interrest all other candidate have to be in some way "castrated", so he has probably ptsd or some shit.

Barret is an autismo. It wouldn't surprise me if he never had sex. He seems like he'd fit into that Japanese stereotype of the big buff dude who immediately spills his spaghetti around women who are interested.

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Amerimutts, every time

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pretty much this. good friend.

>What's their relationship?
He avalanches the shit out of her ass

Why would they make her a asian. We already had Yuffie. Fuck the japs

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Seems more like Aerith's thing rather than Tifa's.

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They are all Japanese tho

brother sister

friends with benefits

we only like supreme jap girls

So you ARE american? every time, lmao

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She was always asian, also
>why do Japanese put Japanese in their games
gee, I wonder

>chinese fucikng hate niggers

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Fucking based


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I didn't know Barret was hiding a second weapon.

she's Japanese

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She didn't look Asian before and came from a clearly Nordic seeming town

Potato tomato, I see ragged eyes, I think of eating cats.

I think I downloaded the wrong game