The nu sony fan

The nu sony fan

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videojuego bros how will we ever recover


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I really hope the black guy was shopped in that picture.

He was not

he was lol

>del sofware del systema

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remember when you didn't need to download huge ass updates for your consoles?

>hardwood floors
>white child
>del software del systema
obsession, thy name is european

Whats wrong with this picture? I thought we all gave our wives to black guys from time to time.

You play with your controller, I play with your wife's pussy.

do america realy?

Thats back then when you had solitaire graphics,
you can still play on your phone. No update required.



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>no updates on a smartphone
okay retard

>hardwood floors
do americans not have plank flooring?

why do you idiots keep spelling new "nu". It's one letter difference. Stop being lazy.

supposedly that is one of the things sony wants to fix in the next playstation.
how? who the fuck knows..

>new and nu are the same thing

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the nu nintendo fan

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They have dirt floors. That's why they keep their shoes inside

>>new and nu are the same thing
They are...

What makes people do such things?

>white child

Nah bro as the other user said, we have dirt floors. We also have mud huts.


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The sad thing is some eurofaggot will read this, believe it without an ounce of skepticism, and repeat it as if it were fact. They're the most gullible people on the planet when it comes to anything negative about Americans.
Here's a fun game, next time you meet a european, see what off the wall nonsense you can convince them of about America. Hell, I once convinced a British woman that all Americans sleep with their shoes on by making up some bullshit about the frontier days.

His kids are white??? Wtf i tough Americans are brown??

>that all Americans sleep with their shoes on by making up some bullshit about the frontier days.
desu you guys wear shoes indoors so it isn't that far fetched

He wasn't though.

I've fucked with a few European friends that way. Convinced them we dont have relish, weird shit like that. It's hilarious.

had a friend from Britain visit me about 6 months ago
came into my house for the first time and asked him to take his shoes off on the landing
he was convinced he didn't have to until he saw the rest of my family not wearing shoes in our house

>Hell, I once convinced a British woman that all Americans sleep with their shoes on by making up some bullshit about the frontier days.
Incredibly based.
t. American

Have you actually been to america?

not a bad idea

Last time i played candy crush it didnt need updates

once. had the chance to be invited to dinner at two families. both wore shoes indoors, portland maine

It's a coin toss

What is wrong with millennials? Why are they like this, sick fucks.

>we dont have relish
this is really amusing for some reason, anyway RELISH CHADS WW@

My english is passable, at best.
I don't understand 60% of the posts.
It is because I suck at english or because it suck at life?

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I think it's a matter of taste, and varies wildly by state. Some states are like entering different countries, especially when travelling a large distance. In WA, a lot of people request you take off your shoes. It's a 60-40 ratio here.

>two families
>therefore all americans do a thing

>They're the most gullible people on the planet when it comes to anything negative about Americans
>guy is gullible
>therefore all europeans are
its okay when you do it though