Now that the dust has settled... What went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled... What went wrong?

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Tetsuya Nojima

honestly I don't really care if they shat on the story as long as we get a CloudxAerith wedding for pt 3 in beautiful unreal engine 5

Tifa is now a chink, I prefer NT Tifa with the big anime eyes

1. Remove Chapter 18 and the Whispers entirely, as well as Sephiroth’s early appearances. Move the Jenova fight from President Shinra’s office to the end of the motorway.

2. Remove Cait Sith from the cutscene when the plate falls, cut to average people looking up at it like the original. Cut most of Chapter 13 and merge it into 14. There are no slums to return to, they’ve been flattened.

3. Remove Leslie and the return to the Sewers from Chapter 14. Instead make Barret and Tifa's scenes at the beginning mandatory and spend the chapter exploring how the characters react to the plate falling in different ways, like Tifa’s guilt. Ultimately they channel their sadness and frustration into the assault on the Shinra building. Put Aeris’s scene at the end.

4. Marle dies, at the very least. And Wedge. Almost everybody from the slums. The plate falls and people die, don't pull punches. Do change Bigg’s and Jessie’s death scenes so you don’t watch them die. They’re just wounded and then the plate finishes the job.

5. Blood. Give Biggs bullet wounds. Sephiroth leaves a trail of bodies and blood, not purple Jenova goop. President Shinra bleeds.

6. Some general rewrites to make death scenes less cheesy, cut some of the flowery bullshit, etc. I’m sure we’d all have different preferences here.

I will now endorse your game.

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Without his bullshits the game would be correct
Not the remake FF7 really deserved but a good game noneless
With Nomura's fanfic on top of it, it's just pure garbage

Everything but the combat.

time jannies
the ending
final chapter
making Tifa not white
unable to see pantsu

other than that, combat was very good.

>complains about an ending for weeks
What did Yas Forums mean by this?

How did you feel about the cussing?

Also, everything you had is perfect except make the bomb actually blow up the first reactor. Shinra doesn't help.

I didn't even particularly notice the swearing to be honest, except for when Aeris almost falls after leaving the church and I thought that was fine.

I didn't care about Shinra destroying the reactor either, Avalanche still attempts to do it and still has to face responsibility for that. I'd prefer to see it cut in the name of faithfulness but I didn't care that much.

they had cussing in the original but it was censored

not used nearly as frequently though
it comes off kinda cringey

Tifa doesn't use the bathroom on Cloud

just play it with Suberior Jabanese Boice actors and it basically doesn't exist

Calling it a remake instead of a reboot

>posting this cringey edgelord nonsense again

lmao what a maroon

the only wrong thing was the dumb harbinger fight. everything else was kino.

We still weren't allowed to be Rufus's fren

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Chapter 17 onwards, what the fuck is this garbage, im fucking bored now. Gimmick rufus followed by tedious sponge tank followed by tedious long bike ride with tedious mini game bike boss, fuck off this should have been over 2 hours ago.

>How did you feel about the cussing?
Tifa literally says retard in the original

shut the fuck up autist. Jesus christ.

Actual question, why do people think this a timeline thing? Red says that the future is determined by the lifestream, aerith talks to it and nows the future, and sephiroth is in the lifestream and sees his defeat. The zack thing was just showing fate can change. I dont know why everyone thinks there is 50 timelines now.

Sephiroth missing a wing.

Because we will be playing ONE t

Because it is a timeline thing - the original FF7 timeline where Sephiroth is from, the remake timeline we're in and the party destroys fate so anything is possible, and Zack's new timeline, where he's now alive.

Destroying the planet's keepers of destiny created distinct timelines.

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Didnt they say they were retconing all the original games? Its just what is supposed to happen but is interrupted by the first sephiroth vision. Not that it is a timeline in a narrative. Zacks timeline is i guess but it looks like nothing more than symbolism

There was no voice acting in the original and they ruined the remake with that shit.


>Move the Jenova fight from President Shinra’s office to the end of the motorway.
Why keep it at all?

Motorball would be garbage for a final boss

The thing about this is that Sephiroth, in this game, very definitely knows about key events from the original game, stuff like summoning Meteor, killing Aerith, Cloud's relevance and role in defeating him. There's absolutely no way he could fuck with Cloud's head the way he does here unless he was aware of the original events.

Aerith's seeming clairvoyance could be explained without a different timeline but Sephiroth definitely hails from a post-Advent Children future here.

>Promised a remake for years
>realized they had no idea how to pull it off
>made a sequel

keep most of the world building since it adds a lot of depth.
use the time spent writing the alternate main plot and use that to get further enough in development for the full story to be released instead of whats basically the exposition of the original...

It'd still be better than we got but yeah Jenova seemed like a really good final boss for Midgar