

Attached: x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 170.49K)

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How big is her dick, bros? Do you think she's circumcised or not?

She only has an asshole

Attached: 6C43EB3B-52AD-4968-A660-ED53AB6376D7.gif (280x200, 988.04K)

[sing-along mode]

>ywn sing-along mode with your quarian gf

Attached: 1582869415719.png (500x633, 361.18K)

>human alien

Good, you opened this spoiler, etc.

I like this model for maskless Tali

Attached: tali.png (327x413, 290.85K)

Is her asshole circumcised?


Pretty good job all things considered. Is it a mod?

Tali Remastered on Nexus Mods


Attached: 48795182-laughing-young-guy-pointing-with-finger-at-camera.jpg (450x300, 14.59K)

The books describe Quarians as almost passing for human save for their ears. Personally, I'm fond of pic related design.

Attached: 1465436885147.jpg (727x1099, 129.74K)

>fans are worse than Bioware
what did he mean by this

Attached: Taliface.png (772x1010, 677.49K)

>point is to make the player have a hard on for the character
>bitches that is human-like
you are the slow one in the class right?

I said a while ago that Anthem 2.0 is delayed to 2021, DA4 is therefore moved to Q4 2023/Q1 2024 at the earliest, with possible delay all the way to Q4 2024 and ME4 most likely in 2027. We currently have confirmation by trusted media insider Jason Schreier, who broke the stories on DA:I, ME:A and Anthem that ALL VIDEO GAMES ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!

You fail to realize that a lot of anons checked out of ME entirely because of ME3, enough so that ME:A sold half of what ME3 did, making the franchise non viable. And ME:A further damaged the brand, to make sure it will return financially weaker so. Unless immediate rectification measures take place, a game set so far in the future to not fix ME3, does not rectify ME3's damage. It simply makes sure that the people who left the franchise, won't return. It's like Following Terminator: Dark Flop with Dark Flop 2. Whether the proposed ME4 set a thousand years later after 3 happens or ME:A2 instead, it is the same in the eyes of the gaming public, as the problem will always be ME3. The games are FUCKED and the franchise is pozzed.

>Anthem 2.0
not even EA is dumb enough to throw more money into sink hole, no?

>giving quarians human faces
>not humanoid, but an actual caucasian woman
You guys think you did any better than Bioware?

Depends on the scale of the project. If it's just a "2.0" labeled patch? Might be worth it to try.

Not like you'd need a massive team to rebalance and shift around content.

They should have revealed her face in ME2 when you romance her. That was the time and place if they were gonna do it at all.

Attached: mass_effect___pick_up_the_pieces_by_ghostfire-d4x1rnf.png (1000x1286, 1.19M)

>americans need lube to jack off their dry dicks
Never stops making me laugh

Attached: 12131131.png (982x867, 812.11K)

>le ebic weird colored human meme

Attached: uareapirate.png (547x441, 175.41K)

So what does she look like if I peel that starfish off her face?

It would be extremely painful

No, that's cringe!

ME2, but the model is wrong because the creator forgot that Tali has three toes on each foot, not two.

Attached: tumblr_ovv9l4gact1ub79xno1_1280 - Copy.jpg (1075x1920, 420.18K)


They say the rework is beyond the scope of a patch or an expansion.

>those knees

I don't like random weird shit plastered on someone's forehead to make them alien.

Oh no, quarians are attractive and not hideous! No no no! Not that! Anything but that.

Attached: xen_foot_portrait_takeFIVE_FINAL_D.jpg (1848x1456, 780.81K)

Well of course they will try to say its massive
It may not actually be massive in reality.

>Unless immediate rectification measures take place, a game set so far in the future to not fix ME3, does not rectify ME3's damage.
That's a big maybe.

>human with purple skin

Attached: 1587072096033.jpg (1080x1080, 140.02K)

It's a rework of the basic mechanics. So for one, the starting weapon won't deal more damage than the most epic weapon in the game.

What's a maybe?

I've stopped caring since she took off the mask.

>human with blue skin
>human with exoskeleton
>human but thin
>human but lizard

She's too fat to see it.

Yes, it turns out Mass Effect has bad alien designs.