Yas Forumsermin thread

draw monsters watch them fight

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ACTUALLY this image is in black and white so its kinda hard to read it in the catalog but okay.

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>What is Yas Forumsermin?
Computer-controlled MSPaint cockfights, where your crappy drawings are pitted against each other in battle engines.

>When is Yas Forumsermin?
Tournaments and Yas Forumsermin threads are only on the weekends from Friday to Sunday. Usually hosts show up at around 3 PM EST.

>How do I make a Vermin?
Draw a monster with up to 3 forms in MSPaint, then distribute points between the five pictured stats as such:

Evo 1 Vermin are allowed 13 points
Evo 2 Vermin are allowed 16 points and an ability, or 20 points and no ability.
Evo 3 Vermin are allowed 20 points and an ability, or 25 points and no ability.
The different stats do different things in different engines, but generally:

Lifes increases maximum health
Muscle increases the damage of muscle attacks, which are either more common or more damaging than blast attacks
Blast increases the damage of blast attacks, which usually pierce guard and are either less common or less damaging than muscle attacks
Guard reduces damage from muscle attacks
Fast increases evasion and attack speed

>What kind of ability can I make?
They should be abilities that you might find in a video game - raising stats, causing status effects, or nullifying other Vermins' abilities. Abilities should roughly be equivalent to the four or five points you sacrifice to get an ability. Complicated abilities may be retooled entirely for the sake of keeping the tournament running on-schedule.

>How do I make a good Vermin?
Try puns or references and making Vermin out of those. Or think of real-life people or objects and caricature them. They don't have to be good art, but it's recommended that they be interesting or funny in some way. The point of vermin is creativity, so get creative!


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I want a scoop of uuuhhhhh...

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Of Minass

me neither, I must accept this fate and rush shit out real quick

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>wasting time on making a burst
>not just recoloring a year-old burst that already had a recolor and been entered twice

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git gud lol

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Name one fucking thing he did wrong, you can't. He was, and still is, /ourguy/.

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it's harder to name something he didn't do wrong

>just remembered that I have the perfect burst mode to break UC host's engine

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talking about it, are bursts submited to UC still submittable?

can we stop with the vague OPs that are just "draw monsters, watch fight." at least add something like "UC Host Burst PR today."

>had all week long to do it
>did nothing but shitpost in trash and cry that it wasn't done all week.
This is why trash threads are so fucking awful. It just makes us stagnant and circlejerky.

>that time he became a primordial coomer
>that time his coom ridden waifu pillow became a fire hazard
>that time he had a schizophrenic meltdown and died
there's totally more but it doesnt come to mind

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They're evading mod filters by putting the info in the second/third posts so the threads don't look like generals.

Post new vermin
Post wips
Post cute and funny vermin
Give me waifus
Taking requests
Who ya rootin for?
Porn when
Post vermin

There, all the bait replies out of the way.

Post loli.
All of it.

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Are you joking? I never touched the /trash/ threads. I was too busy re-playing Yume Nikki and Persona 4.

you see this is why vermin is dying
people playing games and getting distracted from their sworn duty of providing content to the threads

You still had plenty of time and fore warning about making a burst. You chose to slack off and ignore it until the last minute.

>its just a hobby bro
>whines when theres nothing going on
>refuses to participate unless its on your own terms, even completely ignoring it outright at times
>spends time on ACTUAL hobbies instead
Its rediculous that you people say you care about these threads and make all sorts of excuses or exaggerate my posts when I bring this up. You don't see vermin as just a hobby or you would be more interested in it like your games.
The only reason these threads are still alive is because you can't let them go and want somewhere to fit in, but also don't want to take any effort to improve or try to get into another community.

These threads have been dead since 2017.

I was just having a lot of fun and didn't feel like stopping just to start drawing. You can all understand that, right?

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how could you forsake the threads in lieu of personal pleasure? I just don't understand. VFC would never approve of this

See my post above. Ignore sandman
He always types exactly the same to distract people from the problems we have, and since I have to assume you guys are too dumb to realize he's being ironic, I will point them out as needed.

Damn, I haven't worked on my burst mode for UC's next tournament AT ALL!

is this ability too op?

Attached: a cone of prey burst.png (1880x1268, 56.92K)

>take up fishing as a hobby
>buy a rod, bait, and gear
>go to river or lake to fish
>sit on phone and text for hours
>throw hook in water once and leave when you don't catch anything
>post about how much you love fishing on social media
This is vermin.

>If you felt like playing a video game instead of doing vermin related things that means you DON'T SEE IT AS A HOBBY
Okay retard

Maybe these threads wouldn't be dead if you didn't get rid of half of your userbase