Stop all the bickering and post 7R related images or screenshots.
Stop all the bickering and post 7R related images or screenshots
>Nailed it, I know, thank you.
just stopping in the say 7R is unironically my favorite game of all time
DLC when
how many releases will it take to do the whole original game?
jesus christ
They're not doing the original game anymore. They could wrap things up in one more game or, more likely, keep milking this project forever.
holy kek
>We need to preserve the time line. Now fill your corona scarred lungs with air and blast it into this little girl.
>those "lights"
Where do I get this Cloud and Aerith mod for GTA?
holy moly
I would be absolutely elated if the DLC was a new take on Before Crisis instead of the alt reality Zack "what if" bullshit we're assuredly getting.
tits too small btw
Someone please rip the models areadly.
fucking hot
>tfw too poor to buy FF7R on ps4
>staring at each other after they get up
ooof the tension.
>SE made a correct boobie size Tifa model and used it only during Corneo segment
>rest of the time swapped for shitty nuFa
it's just the angle you dumb virgin
>SE has all that Midgar made
>never use it again instead of pumping out some DLC
Watch. Watch them fuck this up.
Ancients game when?
don't reply to coombrains
Oh god, fuck off.