Fatal Frame

>Fatal Frame
>Silent Hill
>Dead Space
>Resident Evil 1-7
>World of Horror

Let's be honest here Yas Forums, how would you peg your chances in any of the above scenarios? Could you survive?

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Amazing how there isn't 1 good game on that list.
Horror genre is so trash.

>Fatal Frame
>not good
We have reached peak contrarian levels.


The first DreadOut was fun

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There's a number of good games on that list. The only ones I'd argue for being shitty is probably the second DreadOut. And that's just mediocre at worst.

Except most of them are good.

none of them are as bad as demonophobia

I heard they're patching and improving it but I'll still just wait for the sale desu.

>spoopy ghost child
Please stop. It's not scary.

Bad in a gameplay sense or a "OHGODOHFUCKWHY" scenario sense?

In Silent Hill I would go mad in minutes

My life is such shit and my thoughts are so black I couldn't stand a chance against my demons.

user, the Grudge has been around for over a decade. The concept of ghost children overall even longer.

Of course. It's a trope still used by japs especially in their games. I don't get it.

Well, from a purely pragmatic sense, humanoid ghosts are simply the easiest things for them to design and include. It's not often that you'll get a Jap horror game with something significantly inhuman stalking you outside of very niche circles.


Makes sense. Biggest gripe with Demonophobia personally how slow the MC is, as she just feels incredibly static. The setting and monsters are otherwise pretty cool.

>simply the easiest things for them to design
Yeah it seem pretty lazy. I prefer some interesting monster designs. It doesn't even need to be complex.

I think my ability to be introspective would greatly help me in the silent Hill universe, however, on that same hand, I think my lack of self confidence and belief in my abilities might also doom me. I guess it would depend on what game I'm in. If I'm in 2 I think I'd survive, 1 or 3 is a gamble.

>Fatal Frame
I'd fair like shit. I doubt I'd figure out how the camera works.
>Silent Hill
I would go crazy, but probably revel in the insanity until I finally die
Kill myself. This is the worst timeline.
>Dead Space
If I'm alone I'd go nuts. If I had other people with me, I'd probably be ok and fight hard to live.
I wouldn't take that job for god sakes
Kill myself again.
Probably better than the rest.
>Resident Evil 1-7
Get turned into the zombie most likely. FIght my way out, but die trying.
>World of Horror
The junji ito thing? I'd be ok being crazy.
Depends which SCP. I'd probably just kill myself again.
Become religious, win the game

not a single user of this cambodian reed-cutting forum would survive a dead space scenario

Well no one would. It's just a matter of time until every last human is turned into a spoopy monster.

>The junji ito thing? I'd be ok being crazy.
Being crazy is honestly the least of your worries in that setting. Any of the Old Gods winning is an end of reality scenario (barring possibly Yolazsth). Atorasu webs up everyone for them to have their organs liquefied and usurped up at its leisure, Yolazsth slowly consumes the entire planet over a period of 10 years, Goizo quite likely drags everything into mirror hell for rape time, and Ithotu burns everything down due to being raw Entropy.

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Yas Forums wouldn't be able to survive a fucking sitcom, let alone a horror game.

>Fatal Frame
I'd do alright, potential to live.
>Silent Hill
Depends on what the win scenario is, and what Silent Hill. I could probably survive 1, and 3 but not 2 or 4
I'd die
>Dead Space
I'd survive
This series is absolutely retarded with it's mechanics, so if I'm locked into the game's way then die but say if I'm allowed to get up from my chair, then I'd live
Don't know
>Resident Evil 1-7
I'd be able to escape the Mansion but not kill like Tyrant or uncover the mystery. I'd be able to survive 2/3, I'd die in 4,5,6. 7 is a toss up
>World of Horror
I'd do alright
Don't know either of those two

Go back to Fortnite.

These threads make me mad because of all the responses from people saying they could survive Silent Hill because they only played SH2 and think it's inherently just about you facing your "inner demons".

If you only played SH2 you really should play the other games, especially 1.

I'm a spaghetti dropping autist but I have good survival skills and I'm fit. I'd survive a horror game scenario much better than a sitcom.

>Fatal Frame
>Silent Hill
I have a chance
>Dead Space
I'm fucking dead
No idea
Gay meme shit
Literally never heard of this shit.

>Fatal Frame
Pretty easy so long as I have the info I need for the Japanese rituals required to survive

>Silent Hill
Everyone would have roughly the same hard time in Silent Hill since the city literally changes what happens to you to make sure it's torture.

>Dead Space
Either you die in the initial convergence wave or you hide in some back room until Isaac shows up so you can die violently in front of him to introduce a new enemy type.

I've got a baseball bat and the good sense to not put a security job above my own safety.

Knowing his one glaring weakness makes it pretty easy

>Resident Evil
T-Virus and Plagas outbreaks are survivable by most able-bodied people. When you start getting into other shit like the G and C viruses or the Mold then it becomes much harder.

I'd die to someone's terrible OC donut steel like everyone else

Don't know about the rest

FNAF is probably survivable in a general sense, but you're in the back end of Utah and I doubt there's any other particularly decent paying jobs. You'd likely starve to death.

Unless we could figure out how to take the Camera Obscura without obscene spiritual power, we probably die against most of the ghosts in Fatal Frame. And I don't think we'll have the means to deal the eldritch hell dimension trying to consume everything in almost all of the games.