It's good

it's good

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It's alright. "Good" is a bit of a stretch.

It alright.

It not subtle or nuanced. It remind me of original which I like better.

can someone who played in english tell me if they bleeped the massage lady too?

Just going leave this here

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Too? No. What language bleeped her?

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Your friend is into JRPGs but has never played FF7
Do you tell him to play the remake or the original Yas Forums?

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The Remake, despite being amazing, is a sequel. So obviously original first.

same character
g a m e

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The original, since Remake is a sequel.

Yeah it was kind of sad to see they took the AC fight content and even remade that.

>lets incorporate the movie NO ONE liked

Original then Remake
avoid Compilation

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It's good until they ruin it

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definitely not a subfag, but that seems funnier

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Post favorite new tracks

Uematsu or nothing.

t. midwit. There's nothing subtle or nuanced in the original

but Remake is literally just more compilation shit

You got the best one.

I liked it. Get over it, incel

aerith is really really attractive personality wise but tifas looks are actually impossible to beat

It's Compilation shit that actually understands the characters/world/tone of FFVII. It's more Force Awakens than Last Jedi.

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>Game is a pseudo-sequel to AC
>Sephiroth has sent his consciousness back in time through the Lifestream to alter history
>Time jannies appear to ensure things go as planned, their place in the story would not exist unless there was some outside interference with the events
>Sephiroth cannot change anything unless the Whispers are dealt with
>Aerith possibly has also sent her consciousness back to counter Sephiroth's plans, which is why she may be aware of her fate, more likely to be some Ancient foresight bullshittery though
>Sephiroth manipulates the party into thinking the prime timeline is the future where they fail
>The party decides to combat destiny itself and wins
>Future-Sephiroth subtly encourages Cloud into trying to stop him from killing Aerith, which was the true reason why he lost in the first place, as Aerith could not have commanded the Lifestream to fight back Meteor while living
>Story will likely divert for big moments and stay mostly untouched for the parts inbetween (towns, side quests, party recruitment etc)
>Aerith will presumably live, but circumstances will arise where the party realise that her death is essential to Sephiroth's defeat and they must undo all of Nomura's timeshittery
>Genesis sequel will go on as planned

Is this basically what's going on? I'm not sure how NuZack will fit into all this yet but I'd love to hear what you fags think.

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Wow, You must be the first person since 2005 i even "met" that liked AC.


I would agree but I just remembered Dirge of Cerberus.

>Compilation shit that actually understands the characters/world/tone
>Force Awakens
Holy shit, way to out yourself for abysmal taste
You heard it hear folks, if you liked TFW, you'll LOVE FFVIIR

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This sounds so much like FFXIII music.

best thread for this question
I've played the original once, remember most of the important beats, and watched AC
I liked it, but it by no means is a deep love of my life that could do no wrong
I just want to play a solid jrpg, and kind of want to get on the ruse cruise
is the remake worth it?

>bad reading comp
>also a newfag

Not that user but I love AC. It's action sequence porn. Story is shit tho.

yeah it just sounds like uninspired FF13 garbage
yeah no read the above line

#1 sounds like a poor bastardization of phonk
#2 I was like "ok, so when does the song start"

Pay me

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The whisper fight is in line with FF7 world and tone?

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The Last Jedi and FF7R are kino too intelligent for whiny virgin fanboys to understand.

That said, TLJ was immediately undone by its braindead sequel and I wouldn't be surprised if FF7R-2 follows suit

As long as you're fine with it being an action rpg that splits action and rpg fairly well, yes. If you want a traditional rpg only maybe not.

Dunno what that is but every one liked Force Awakens before South Park told them they shouldn't. As a reboot/remake, the best thing FF7R can be is TFA. And it (mostly) is.

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lmao TROS might've been generic tripe but you're lying to yourself if you think TLJ's plot isn't a hole-riddled afterthought

I liked the game but I'm not defending this. They straight up took it from the movie.

I didn't say there wasn't TLJ nonsense in it.

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both TFA and FF7R are metanarratives about the enduring legacy of the original story and how those monumental expectations affect the characters

>every one liked Force Awakens before South Park told them they shouldn't
Yeah, everyone under the age of 12
and everyone with a brain that never grew past 12

I loved everything else about the game other than the fucking whispers and a few of the beginning side quests.

It's so strange seeing Barret suddenly so ready to fight some giant fate ghost god immediately after getting held up by a man with a singular small pistol

well you heard it here first. Pic related is your average FF7R fan

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t. dunning kruger brainlet who thinks he's intelligent for noticing there was an X-wing and death star in the movie

People "liked" TFA because it was promising stuff.
Then everything fell flat on its face so now it's a pretty bad movie.

So what's the deal with those ghosts? Are they gone for good now or are they going to appear at a destiny crossroad again and we'll get even more timelines or whatever they signify?

More than good, it's better than the classic FFVII.

>noooo why don't they waste money re-rendering scenes that look perfectly fine
why even bitch about this. yes you have a hate boner against AC we get it. these are scenes from the PS1 game redone for AC. they still look great. shut the fuck up. if you're gonna bitch bitch about the rest of the shit going on in that segment of the game, there's truly no limit to how much you can legitimately bitch about the whole ending chapter without going abloobloo AC gave me ptsd

>everyone liked TFA
Eat shit. Yes, everyone on reddit and every other normalfag meetup loved it. But I noped out long before that.
>it takes an extremely high iq to understand the metanarrative of TFA
I don't even know why anyone would bait being this retarded.
Are you that desperate for (You)'s?

Because they said that they'd do so in several interviews?

it's a meme game that was taylor-made for reddit

Star Wars are the biggest fucking retards on the planet and have no argument.

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More than just good. Worth every $. Wish it had ez platinum tho

Shut up Rob

If they're already into JRPGs then there's no reason not to play the original. It's finished and won't be dragged out to 3 full games minimum.

>dude it's like the SAME MOVIE because there were storm troopers and a droid carrying a plot device
>a bloo bloo ruined muh childhood because Han Solo was kinda a deadbeat dad

TFA is inoffensive as fuck, no one who isn't autistic hates that movie. I think TLJ is a lot better but understand why that movie is controversial

They said what? That they'd use no AC footage? That they'd redo every cutscene from the original from the ground up? What?