Why didn't Barret marry again or have a girlfriend to act as a good mother figure for Marlene?

Why didn't Barret marry again or have a girlfriend to act as a good mother figure for Marlene?

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Single fathers are more competent than single mothers

He already had Tifa for that.


A woman would do irreparable harm to the development of that child

I’m glad they actually got kids to voice the kids. Pisses me off when they sound like grown peoples pretending to be kids.

Marlene is his wife.

>Why didn't Barret marry Cloud

>have kids voice the kids
>next installment will take years and the kids will hit puberty by then with their voices cracking

Tifa exists and she is a better partner for Barret than Cloud

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They'll just change to other kids.

statistically true but smaller sample size because court bias towards the mother means you have to be a god to get custody of children

probably too busy being a terrorist

tifa and cloud take care of her after the events of ffvii anyway

No Tifa is also one of Barrets babies because Barret is sweet and the real MVP.

Because he was too busy with revenge.

This is the real science fiction right here. What kind of black man would be taking care of some kid who isnt even his.

Patrician ship desu

One of the based kinds. Not all blacks are niggers, but all niggers are black. You get me?
Barrett's one of the good ones.

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Nomura is a fucking madman in the best way possible

Reminder that Barret obliterated Kevin Nash's bunghole in the sweltering heat in the summer '92

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Barret is pretty based

he's one of the good one

Single mothers are much more damaging to the development of a child than a single father. You see this in many children in real life where the lack of a strong male figure in their lives led to ruin while the opposite has never been the case.

Because he's raising her to be his perfect wife

Why is his daughter white? Is he a cuck?


He adopted his best friend's daughter.


Women don't know how to instil discipline

Its a more a sosioeconomic thing where on average the father is higher on the economic ladder, so there is better clothes/food/hobbies/morals and spends more time at home.
Meanwhile single mothers do a lot of questionable decisions that bind them to the bottom of the social ladder, where they end up with kids they are not capable of raising beyond giving them food and shelter.

Its also why there is so large differences between nations, because who gets stuck in dead end jobs with weak pay per hour varies between nation.
Some nations even started purging those jobs in the 1970s as electronic advancements came along.

Marlene isn't actually his daughter you fucking retard

He's raising his bros kid after he died when they were both trying to escape shinra

only Marlene voice was a kid

interesting how many people haven't played FF7, but it's over 20 years old, that's probably older than quite a few users on 4chins are