Why is pixel art a dead artform?

Why is pixel art a dead artform?

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there are a lot of Pixel Indie Games. Mostly RPGs and Adventures.

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>Pixel art game
>No regards to palette limitation
>Imperfect integer scaling
>Tile size inconsistent with sprite size
>Smooth sprite rotation
Low effort trash, thats why

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>Game is 1.2gigs

I'd argue it's still pretty prominent, just that a lot of artists don't educate themselves on older techniques

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"Good" sprite art really takes way too much effort

how many people are still talking about Owlboy?

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It requires effort from a generation of losers. Also, zoomers grew up on LCDs and don't understand that the giant blocky pixel look on emulators wasn't how those games actually looked.

Modern artist won't understand why some decisions were made in pixel art because he's no longer restricted by things that forced those decisions 30 years ago.

Modern artist doesn't even have to worry about pixels, he can just do regular 'art' like in Rayman Legends.

>>Smooth sprite rotation
God, it's so fucking ugly. Why does anyone think that shit looks okay?!

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Because pixel art used to be all there is, in order to look better than your competition, you had to make pixel art that looked better than the opposition's pixel art.
Now pixel art is a budget or retro option, it is explicitly what you do when you DON'T want to put effort in how you look.

I fucking hate Sonic Mania's looks because of it. So stupid to see Sonic try to smoothly incline a loop. The worst is that that shit makes my blood boil but normalfags wont ever understand what the problem is

Sonic Mania isn't a fucking genesis game.

Shut up

Nobody talks about Owlboy because the art was all it had. The game was shit. The story was unsatisfying and shit. There was so much cut content that it's clear the excessive devtime was because they kept cutting and redoing shit. The music was lack luster. Most of the characters were shit.

That one actually falls in line with what was capable back then though since it sticks to the original aspect ratio for rotation. A lot of 5th gen 2D games did sprite rotation/scaling

This is a good summary

Sonic Mania doesn't do smooth sprite rotation you fucking retard, it does resolution-dependant sprite rotation. It's perfectly consistent with SNES/Genesis rotation effects.

That's kind of exactly the point, the amount of effort to

1: make a good game
2: lovingly hand craft all the 2D animation

is fucking ridiculous

There's a reason the best looking sprite games were fighters and run and guns.

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Because animating 3D is so fucking easy. Key framing movement makes things so quick and easy.

>>Tile size inconsistent with sprite size

Tile size didnt have to be consistent with sprite size on all systems

He looks so happy

Because zoomers don't care about it

>ohhhhhh I'm a big giant guy
>and I bob to the left
>and I bob to the right
>hey hey alright

Graveyard Keeper is absolutely gorgeous. And I didn't even like the game itself that much.

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It's doing hardware sprite rotation like Snes games did. The Genesis had to do it in software but even then the Sonic games didn't have any of it

>Most of the characters were shit.
>badass crippled woman can only be used for a few minutes
>have to keep carrying around the Tumblr-nosed wimp through almost the entire game

fucking hell

They do but their form of caring for it is through minecraft/terraria and whatever other indie games they see.

sonic mania isn't a snes/genesis game

Shut up

>the amount of effort to
>1: make a good game
>2: lovingly hand craft all the 2D animation
>is fucking ridiculous
It's really not that hard if you keep scope managed and don't go for some fucking ridiculous nonsense like Cuphead's animations being penciled and inked on traditional mediums. Plenty of games have gotten the 2D look done very well in a good game in a resonable span of time with unique artstyles without being as fucking moronic about it as the Owlboy devs.
Off the top of my head
>Environemntal Station Alpha having an impressive amount of detail for being incredibly lowres
>Crosscode as a whole looking fucking stellar throughout
>Hollow Knight being Hollow Knight
>Rabi Ribi hahaha no I'm kidding, Rabi-Ribi is good but holy fuck it looks bad
>Momodora 4
>Pretty much every decent bullet hell ever made

Sprite artists presumably moved onto doing 3D textures

HK isn't sprite art though, neither is Ori, nuRaymans and other things like that.

Because you're not the age you were when you found that shit impressive anymore.

None of that shit matters.

>It requires effort from a generation of losers.
Self-loathing millennial spotted.

he didn't say they were.

Geddy wasn't even that bad, but holy fuck the "DUDE YOU HAVE TO CARRY YOUR TEAMMATES AROUND BECAUSE YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY ATTACK" was such an aborted mechanic it's not even funny. They spent the whole tutorial gearing you up for puzzles that would require you to keep track of your teammates and occasionally leave them behind, putting you in more defenseless positions, only for your reward for beating the tutorial being an item that effectively turns it into a weapon select with the scroll whell.
Fucking stupid.

Blame technology getting too powerful, too fast, especially the jump from PS1 to PS2. More 3D artists were needed than 2D pixel artists, look at how KOF XIII sunk SNK because the pixel art process was too expensive and how they gutted a lot of characters moves. In the end, they got bought by the triad.

ESA doesn't look good, Crosscode took more than 5 years to make, and Hollow Knight is not even pixel art, it's traditional 2D. The only games that had decent pixel art recently was Blasphemous mediocre game but it's fine and Record of Lodass war 2D game featuring worst elf

the art doesn't matter if the gameplay is good. Take Hyper Light Drifter or Stardew Valley. Both very nice pixel art, and very fun games. Then Owlboy is an example of shit game and good art, and, while Undertale could be labeled as shit art if it wasn't meant to be that way, but the gameplay and story was good

It's more consistent with the saturn and this is on record as being the point, eat a turd lmao

>Hollow Knight is not even pixel art, it's traditional 2D

he didn't say it was.

Can you guys, you know, read posts for comprehension? You're so focused on saying something contradictory you just blind fire.

We're talking about why pixel art is mostly dead but I guess I shouldn't have focused on that part in his post.

>ESA doesn't look good,
ESA conveys a fantastic amount of setail for how lowrez it is, especially with stuff like the falling petals in that one zone.
>Crosscode took more than 5 years to make,
That's a perfectly reasonable devtime for an indie RPG of Crosscode's scope.
>Hollow Knight is not even pixel art, it's traditional 2D
I never said it was pixel art.
>The only games that had decent pixel art recently was Blasphemous mediocre game but it's fine and Record of Lodass war 2D game featuring worst elf
Monolith, ZeroRanger, Devil Engine, Nowhere Patrol, La-Mulana 2...

There's only so much you can do before it starts getting derivative.

>the art doesn't matter if the gameplay is good.
Nah, both matter a lot, and this "aesthetic value doesn't matter" meme that's plagued Yas Forums is fucking cancer incarnate. The visuals/sound/story/etc of a game play a major part in making the game enjoyable.

Because it was the best you could do with the limitations at the time, now it's just an artstyle and so you can work around those limitations and do whatever you want.

>ESA conveys a fantastic amount of setail for how lowrez it is, especially with stuff like the falling petals in that one zone.
I never played it or gave it a chance but when you put it like that, then that makes sense.

I think Monolith and ZeroRanger's art are the best out of the bunch you listed because they look very high quality compared to the others. It's too bad one's a straight up shmup and the other is a roguelite shmup. Very rarely do you find high quality 2D pixel art games.

Because in the 2010s it stopped being about art and started being an arms race at who could make something look the most stereotypically retro.

>Crosscode took more than 5 years to make,
Crosscode takes about 20 or so hours to beat if you're more of a completionist, and that's before all the content patches it's gotten. Owlboy took 11-12 years of development and it's a 4-5 hour disappointment.

>I never played it or gave it a chance but when you put it like that, then that makes sense.
You absolutely should, especially if you liked Baba Is You since it's by the same dev and he's working on ESA2.

What? Crosscodes takes more than that if you just rush through.
I'm a completionist and it took me 90 hours, haven't played since release.

>You absolutely should, especially if you liked Baba Is You since it's by the same dev and he's working on ESA2.

No it's not. Published by the Baba is you dev.

You are both my people, and given how common that shit is apparently the only three on the planet who hate it

Rom hacking GBC games has really made me appreciate those limitations.

>What? Crosscodes takes more than that if you just rush through
I was being conservative and didn't bother looking at my hours for it on Steam. It took me 60 and I still need to do the postgame stuff they added.
>No it's not. Published by the Baba is you dev.
Nigger are you retarded? Hempuli's— the guy who made Baba Is You— twitter handle is literally @ESADevlog. He does devstreams multiple times a week of him either working on ESA2 or Baba Is You patches.