Why is Dark Souls 2 so divisive?

Why is Dark Souls 2 so divisive?

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Because it's shit but some people aren't aware of that fact




You can't expect the average idiot to appreciate rough kino. Luckily there is DS3 for the redditors etc.

Is it recommended to start with DS1? DS2 and 3 are on sale right now, along with their respective DLCs and deluxe editions.

Competitive PVPfags hate soul memory.

Yes, DS2 will give you a bad impression of the series and DS3 actually treats itself as a sequel

If you enjoy pve, play 1&3, if you enjoy pvp play 2

i was playing it, stopped at harvest valley, don't feel like continuing tbqh

>Competitive PVPfags hate soul memory.

I don't really care for PvP, so that's that I guess.
Is the DS3 deluxe edition worth grabbing? It's going for 15 burger bucks on Steam, was thinking about buying in then waiting for DS1 to go on sale or just pirating it.

Buy it and pirate Dark Souls PTDE, it's better than the remaster anyways

because the first half is really good and the second half is really shit. Moreso than DaS1

Don't listen to him. The game runs in 60 fps without glitches. Lava looking uglier in Demon Ruins is absolutely worth that tradeoff.

Lighting is considerably worse across the board, the new bonfire visual is terrible, and the huge blood splashes look retarded. Some extremely minor physics bugs from DSFix is absolutely worth that tradeoff.

best game in the series, but that isn't saying much.

I can't personally recommend the remaster ever since it made my dualshock 4 stop working, but I think it's the only one you can easily buy now.

Because of the initial shock of the downgrade, the fact that casual pvp and co-op as the series had known it was unceremoniously slaughtered, and spell selection doesn't even get good until NG+. Plus it decided to do that yellow fogwall thing from DS1 but several times and all over the place, and FUCKING GIANT MEMORY dog shit.

It was like the whole fucking game was Lost Izalith.

Add adaptability weirdness on top of this. Launch day for DS2 was a fucking nightmare. It really did a great job highlighting what DS1 did well.

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I think people dislike it for all the recycled/canned concepts and inconsistent and sometimes halfbaked worldbuilding and level design
the gameplay itself is good an improvement in a lot of ways from ds1 and still feels like a methodical dungeon crawl unlike 3 which was too influenced by bloodborne to be more of an action game

It tried to fix a few things, but ended up breaking other things in terms of world design and mechanics. They added a but more cheese to the design... almost as if the designers didn't really know what made Dark Souls great.

>Hey, you loved the Anor Londo archers? Guess what...

>You like rubber banding enemy attacks, who have infinite poise? Get ready guys...

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Fucking hell thanks for reminding me. Every thread was filled with people bitching that they're getting hit during rolls and you just had to dump into adaptability until it stopped feeling like shit.

where's the wojakspammer

>anor londo archers
>pain in the ass/impossible to fight ranged, have to get in their face
>shrine of amana snipers
>pain in the dick to fight in melee, easily and safely dispatched at range with a bow

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>slowly and meticulously destroy the poison statues in Black Gulch
>manage to kill all of the demons that one shot you while working around the statues
>get invaded three times
>get one shot anyway at the boss's grab, which had insanely bugged hitboxes
contrarians told me this game was supposed to be good

I was one of them, I wasn't aware at the time that ADP was pretty much the game's difficulty setting. Weird to disguise it as a dumpstat.

>using effigies
do secondaries really...?

and enjoy 50% health?

I'm playing through DS2 SOTFS now. I just finished DS1 a week ago.

In someways it "feels" better, but as I've pointed out before, the enemy location and level design has more cheese in it.

It's not as good as DS1, but it's not bad either. Frustrating in parts, yes... compared to DS1.

It's like they knew they screwed up and stopped spawning enemies after you kill them 12 times.

Hidden doors still make no fucking sense and they hide a few critical bon fires.

Archers/ casters everywhere. Enemies gang up on you more.

DS2's main game mechanic, therefore, is determining the enemies' activation points to agro them one at a time.

Yes? Get with the program zoomzoom Demon's Souls taught us the 50% Chadlife since 2009.

Most likely the "Flames of Old" lighting overhaul

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>all this and the game still has these assholes walk at you
Maybe there needs to be a companion mod to this that's more than just the environments.

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know what i hate about DS2? you hold a 1h sword like a chad, but the moment you 2h it you hold it down beside you like it's a flimsly limp dick dildo taken out of some chink warehouse.