3x3 thread

3x3 thread

>make yours at either of these sites

>rating system is "liked / played"

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>all pc shit
hey nerd what the fuck is your problem

>all pc shit

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This thread is kinda boring guys.

The only thing I have to say is I like the Predator franchise Anyway, hope ya'll having a good night

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>Dead to Rights in this year

Talk about deep cuts. No one ever brings that game up.

3/3 Burnount 3, Wet, Stranglehold
6/7 +DMC3, FFIX, Chrono Trigger, BB, Hollow Knight, Sekiro -Nier
Huge points for FFIX. Need to play Aria of Sorrow
4/5 +Earthbound, DKC, SMT SJ, Portal -Yoshi's Island

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i like posting my list

Call of juarez: gunslinger
mark of the ninja
def jam fight for new york
gta vice vity
black (ps2)

>wet and 10.00 bullets
those were pretty bad my dude
i only recognize mk3 so 1/1

-death stranding
i don't like zelda games besides wind waker

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Persona is pure garbage, pretty much a VN mixed with really mediocre JRPG combat. FE is wargames for mouth breathing retards. SJ is extremely easy and padded to hell and back. AA is a literal VN.

Play Wizardry 7.
DMC3 is a shitty version of DMC1. They dropped actual engaging gameplay for tapping out combos on damage sponges. There isn't a single good FF game. Chrono Trigger is the most overrated game of all time and doesn't have a single redeeming quality. Metroidvania is a shit genre that encourages bad level design. Nier is a japanese soap opera larping as a video game.

Play God Hand.
Daggerfall is hot garbage. There is literally nothing to do in the overworld and the dungeons are generated from a small handful of modules, which are repetitive and often disastrously break.

Play Ultima 7.
Wet, Stranglehold, and Dead to Rights are pretty mediocre.

Play painkiller black .

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>i don't like zelda games besides wind waker
How come? Not knocking you, just interested as to why you'd like that game and none of the others

purely because of the artstyle.

>bullets and octane

I like you.

You are like a child.

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That's obviously my chart, buddy.

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play slashem extended you fat shrek nigger
complete shit, you dont get a recommendation
play tetris giant
play super deep throat

>shadow of the colossus
>Persona 5
>majoras mask and ocarina in time

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+1 Mk3, fucking hardest MK ever
Castlevania games on GBA are based af
DKc, HF, Earthbound, Yoshi and Portal. Sex me now user
Based Hourglass, need to play the far cry series more. Only played 4
Black ops, COD 3, 2, WAW, MW3 > Ghosts. Black Mesa is a nice expansion, haven't played the others

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I don't mind being half and half

save the whales

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>brain training
can you say based?

ghosts has the funnest multiplayer with the most variety and coolest aesthetic. all of the aforementioned games listed have better campaigns + side content like zombies and survival though. black mesa is a straight upgrade to half life in every way -- there's really no comparison. im waiting for blue shift and opposing force to get the same treatment

1/2, Couldn't get into Bloodborne and Chrono Trigger is good shit
5/6 -OoT, another one I couldn't get into

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play blood
play Blocks! Julius Caesar

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Thanks for the rating user, 6/6

shadow of rome is based
that ds zelda game SUCKS
hellsing is based
didn't like thief , hard reset, eye, spelunky and styx
soul sacrifice is based
it needs a ps4 / ps5 port

i just really don't like spyro games for some reason.

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please do not post 2d jezebels in this thread

i'll do as i please.

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1/1 (bionicle!)
0/0 but im sure if i had all of those it would be 9/9

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COD 2 big red one and halo CE is based af user.
I still have the box and cd for the PC version of Halo.
Fuck yeah,5/5 I need to play Res 4 still

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aaaaaah man big red one is so good. the best missions out of all the ww2 shooters ive played

who was your favourite character? mine was brooklyn. big sad when he died. he was so close to making it

Brooklyn ofcourse, Sarg too. But ultimately the best characters are between Brooklyn and Huxely from COD 3. A couple months ago I remember trying to redo the entire campaign but on veteran. Goddamn, old COD on veteran is insane.

>Grenade! INCOMING
>FDR quote

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those threads are always the same stuff.

>the nintendo dude
for some reason most of his 3x3 his nintendo shit
>the pc dude
has shit like half life, system shock and other meme shit
>the mutliplayer pc dude
has stuff like tf2 and counter strike
>the Yas Forumscore dude
Deus ex and FNV are essential here
>the pc Yas Forumscore dude
the Yas Forumscore dude but hates consoles, probably has morrowind or shit like torment or baldur's gate in his 3x3
>the wrpg dude
3x3 is filled with janky games from the 80s/90s shit like fallout 1/2, wc3, starcraft, homm
>the weeabo dude
3x3 is filled with VN shit or some other meme jap games like SMT or Persona
>the retro weaboo dude
Same as the weaboo but this time it's retro bro! Chrono Trigger, Touhou or some of early suda games.
>the indie dude
indie shit like undertale or riften maybe some rpg maker into the mix
>that one dude who tells you to play nethack
yeah you know that dude.

>the honest dude
actually varied and honest 3x3 not a walking meme, congrats.

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>Daggerfall is hot garbage
Daggerfall is on your mega meme chart
What did you mean by this

Why haven't you guys played NetHack yet?

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which am i?