Final Fantasy III and V should have been released in the west on NES/SNES instead of Final Fantasy IV and VI...

Final Fantasy III and V should have been released in the west on NES/SNES instead of Final Fantasy IV and VI. Final Fantasy V should have gotten a remake rather than Final Fantasy VII. Future Final Fantasy games should focus more on the job system and being silly fun than being overly streamlined and serious.

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Holy fucking based.

>Final Fantasy V should have gotten a remake rather than Final Fantasy VII
you fuck off right now, leave V alone, they don't need to ruin that one too

If a "silly and fun" FF game came out today you would all whine that it's reddit humor.

To be honest i woud like to see Nomura's craziness in an remake of a earlier final fantasy game like I or II, i think these games actually deserved a remake with a different story.

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5 is great but 3 really needs more people to take a stab at it

3 has one of the best worlds gameplay design wise

If you like 3 and 5 that much, check out Dimensions, it's the spiritual sequel to 5.

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It's OK but the story is mediocre including the second world map in entirety.

Don’t you get it? These autistic losers are just malcontents. The only meaning they can extract from their sad lives is derived from hating on games that they still pay for and dump hundreds of hours into. Square makes tons of mistakes, but thank fucking god they know how to ignore their own garbage fanbase when they say what they want.


Fuck off op

t. someone who's favorite FF is V

>story is mediocre
>characters are boring and dull
>only one good song on its whole ost
nah, the V that should had come was Dragon Quest

I love FF5,but I disagree with your initial points.
The early 90s audience wouldn't appreciate the FF5 job system as much as it would appreciate the FF6 story.
It was better that it was released instead of 5 in the west.
With the widespread internet where people can share ideas, and the algorithms for the damage calculations, more people can appreciate FF5.
FF5 doesn't need a remake, especially not considering how FF7 is handled.

>Future Final Fantasy games should focus more on the job system and being silly fun than being overly streamlined and serious.

I wouldn't. I liked Bravely Default. The problem is the best parts of Bravely Default were the parts where it didn't take itself so seriously or pummel you over the head with an hour of plot exposition. Final Fantasy V is basically Bravely Default with all the filler dialogue and worlds removed. And if it got a (good) remake, people would realize this.

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>story is mediocre
Literally every FF game summerized right here. What makes FFIII and V good is they didn't bother trying to make an overly complex story. It's only the most bare bones it needs to be. Allowing the game to focus more on progression, characters and gameplay.
>characters are boring and dull
I find them to be far more interesting than characters in more story driven games like VI, VII, VIII and so on. They're allowed to be silly, like the characters in Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest IV. And this is exactly why they have so much charm.
>only one good song on its whole ost
I'd say about half the OST is good. Just like most FF games.
>nah, the V that should had come was Dragon Quest

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Doing the fiesta lads?

It could do with a 3DS styled update at least.

It would've been awesome if we got 3 and 5. Those games are awesome.

GBA, yes. 3D? No.

I'd be fine with a FFV remake if someone like Matrix/Silicon Studios did it. Obviously if Nomura did it, it would suck. But they're never going to have anyone make a crazy AAA remake of FFV. At best, it would get a Bravely Default level budget. And you should give it to them, since they've proven they can make a good game on such a small budget.

VI is better than V is almost every aspect

Except pacing, world design, characters, customization and gameplay. And the graphics aren't even that improved. But sure, FFVI does have better music.

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Denial of the highest degree

How about a new game instead of (shitty) (lying) remakes?

The one who's in denial is you. Denial that anyone could have a different opinion than you do.

I mentioned new games at the end of my post.
>Future Final Fantasy games should focus more on the job system and being silly fun than being overly streamlined and serious.

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fucking this. I don't want them ruining V

Funny that you are talking about this game. I've been replaying it on Steam

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>that fucking UI
>those sprites
Thank god I played the GBA version.

It's just a simple gimmick, user.
Go play a real RPG if you want meaningful character choices.
Also, they just localized whatever was newest when they got the money to put one out. They weren't trying to shaft people.

Don't worry, i also play Final Fantasy Vi on Steam, too.

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i'm not worried about your dogshit taste, i'm just disgusted

I wish the coomplainers just killed themselves
Maybe they think that if they coomplain hard enough, someone will think they are intelligent

Not my fault that i actually owned a physical copy of Final Fantasy III and someone stole it years ago.

it's your fault you're too retarded to emulate it

I emulated it it a million of times, you tard. I got them all on steam for 5 bucks during sales.

then why throw 5 bucks at this absolute joke of a port?

>Blonde Terra

Unfortunately the job system is forever relegated to games the Bravely team shits out now.

new FFs should focus on graphics, superior story telling and superb world creation

death to all coomplainer incels


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They're probably sticking closer to the original Amano art. It's the same with how Lenna in FFV has pink hair in game, but her art is blonde. That and Square doesn't give a fuck about consistency.

Which is why Bravely is better than any FF game they've made in 15 years. Even if it still has it's flaws.

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I just thought of this the other day, but FFVI actually made the perfect anti-grind move in Step Mine. Imagine if most bosses had that move, and could punish you for aimlessly grinding. Romhacks need to get on that.