Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong

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git gud

What no equipment burden or inventory space limits? Thank god for mods to remove all that crap.

Enemies leveling with you is done right in SaGa games.

>Hunger system
Don't Starve
>Breakable Weapons
New Vegas
>Enemies level with you

>enemy scaling
Fuck that shit

>breakable weapons
Breath of the Wild

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Yeah I'll rt that

Breakable weapons are perfectly at home in RPGs where item repairing is a learnable skill.

>breakable weapons
>hunger system
Expand that to thirst, sleep, hypothermia/overheating and hygiene.
>enemies level with you
No. That would be injuries and realistic penalties of said injuries.

>Breakable weapons
>you can't repair them once they're fully broken
>you can't even repair them when they aren't fully broken

even though scum is shit otherwise, I felt like its incredibly tedious metabolism system was incredibly fucking noteworthy. having to manage everything from vitamin intake to minerals and so on was such a different take on the standard survival tropes it makes hunger systems seem so fucking simple by comparison that almost all my complaints with them vanish.

I guess it counts as "space limit" but fuck that "you can only carry 350 lbs" crap.

Most of these can be good if they are a core mechanic of the game. Hunger systems work well in Don’t Starve because the entire game revolves around managing your hunger, sanity, temperature, etc. Breakable weapons work well in survival horror games because it limits the amount of enemies you can kill before you have to start avoiding combat. The problem is most games use these mechanics haphazardly in an attempt for “added realism” so you end up having to repair your weapon in dark souls every few hours or cleaning your gun in red dead redemption to the point where it becomes an unnecessary extra chore.

these are all present in minecraft

>Unskippable cutscenes
>Fights you're supposed to lose to continue
>Missable content

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>Fights you're supposed to lose to continue
>but you can win them

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Enemies don't level with you in Minecraft.

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>survival mechanics in games where it takes at most 5-10 real world minutes to walk to town
Hello new vegas

Missable content is a core component of RPGs

Where's the stamina bar?

There's something called local difficulty in Minecraft. It makes the mobs spawn with higher enchanted armor and things like that, but even at it's highest it doesn't change the game that much.

Here's how to fix each

>Hunger System
Make it pretty lengthy so it's not a micromanaging and consistent concern. Give incentive to use consumables that aren't just the ones that give the most health/food meter when it comes to refilling it

>Breakable Weapons
Same thing as above. Also give a base, consistent way to fix weapons, but still give incentive to seek more useful repairing sources when you can

>Enemies level with you
Only way this is ever good is if it's a dynamic system. If nothing is done to ensure that enemies are different as a result of your leveling rather than just pure stats, then it will never be fun.

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Is it a mod or was it included in a recent update?

>breakable weapons
>Play morrowind
>notice that glass weapons are light weight and hard hitting
>low as hell durability for their cost
>"Oh so I use this works well as a backup if my primary breaks?"
>Remember how you can carry enough repair tools to fix your shit on the fly many times over
Feels like a lost opportunity.

>equipment burden
Gives you a reason to not just wear the strongest heaviest armor you can, usually makes character building more complex to level stats that mitigate equipment weight and promoted build diversity
>inventory space limits?
Discourages hoarding and not having 99 max potions you never used at the end of the game

Holy Trinity of shit?

>enemies level with you
dumbest shit ever

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>win the fight
>lose in the cutscene

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>not having 99 max potions you never used at the end of the game
I might need them!!!

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>win the fight
>"One more time!"
>if you lose you don't get a "One more time!" of your own

>playing Pokemon Clover
>think it's just gonna be a normal boosted difficulty romhack
>can't use revives in battle
>can't use any more than 4 items max in any given trainer battle

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>breakable weapons
>weapon's true form is after you break it

It's been there for a while now, it's just sort of an obscure thing.
It's actually called regional difficulty.

>Hit level 20 in oblivion
>Every single bandit and marauder is wearing and wielding daedric gear

Laziest way to keep things "challenging". But TES combat has always been so painfully simple it's not as if there's any other way to keep things even vaguely challenging.

This is why DUDE NUMBERS GO UP RPG mechanics are bad. Because either you get this shit or lose all challenge by grinding your way out of it. Leveling should expand your options, not make your power level go up like dragon ball z.

>Hunger System
The Sims
>Breakable Weapons
Dead Rising
>Enemies level with you
Factorio or Rimworld

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I hate developers for this.
It's more evil than you think. If they want to keep the game challenging at all points of the game they could just remove leveling in general.
Instead they keep leveling in so you get dopamine hits to your brain from the sense of growth from bigger numbers but everything stays the same relative to the growth of the enemies.

>he needs to use items in battle

>>Hunger System
Honestly, food that gives you some sort of attribute (like Coffee making you faster) sounds pretty based, but I've only seen one random user talking about it in a Minecraft thread. Any game with a hunger system has this?

what’s the point of enemy that levels with you? that makes the rpg system useless when you could make a game without those and also that can help to mkaing it less obtuse what the fuck

They can't do anything else because there's literally zero depth to skyrim combat.

>that makes the rpg system useless
Try playing not shit RPGs where you gain new abilities and open new strategies instead of just boosting your stats.

>win the fight
>boss call you a cheater and is game over

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lazy devs don't want to do encounter balancing properly and WAHHHHHH I WANT TO JUST PICK A DIRECTION AND WALK THAT WAY THEY'RE RAILROADING ME! open world meme faggots who cry when they waltz into a deathclaw nest and die

you mean like the olds God of War?

Most RPGs have some kind of potion buff mechanic where you can craft or collect temporary and limited buffs for your character. Think of the Fallout series with food and meds that can heal you, buff your stats and sometimes have counters to prevent abuse like addiction, radiation or debuffs to other stats.

>win the fight
>changes the cutscene
>also you get a new overpowered sword that lasts you for like half the game

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>The Sims
Am I the only one who thinks it was actually really weird and it went down way too fast? (tho I don't remember the first game)

>God of War
It's been a few years, but I don't remember that.

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Fucking Buzzo. Would have been nice if you could have kicked his ass somehow.

Those mechanics can be good if they are not a last minute addition and the game was designed around them. In Minecraft, playing without hunger is the absolute same, as a result, the hunger mechanic is a drag to play with.

And people hate that shit.

You can carry a full armory and the entire library of congress in your bag at the same time, but you can't access everything in combat situations.
Instead your character(s) have a pouch/satchel/belt that holds a low number of consumables and you have to select ahead of time what you want access to in combat.

Also, for quality of life, make the pouch refill with the same items after battles automatically if you use them and have more in the main bag.

Enemies level with you is infinitely worse than the other two, there is nothing redeemable about that feature.

That's always disappointing. Happens a lot when they don't expect you to be able to win, so they just play the regular cutscene after.

I never use that shit. I barely use items that give me temporary buffs even with no strings attached.
If it's some kind of trade off then I just sell it and buy better gear.

And when combined, they form the ultimate form of annoying garbage
Limited storage.

I'll never not enjoy beating Wesker in RE5

It the most recent games I believe you only have to eat twice a day, and your character will eat at work.

Stardew does that. Like literally that exact thing. Coffee makes you faster.

Red orbs that come from killing monsters, combos and red chests around the map serve as EXP points that you can buff a weapon, then you get more abilities as well as more damage when you level it up.

All the stats go down way too fast and the interactions needed to increase them take way too long in game. It doesn't take 45 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal or take a shit.

It did all those things right.

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I was thinking more like Dragon Quest XI or Bravely Default, but that works, too.

Same, but I was just answering a question.

Multiple endings that require you to replay the game and do a bunch of retarded obscure bullshit that don't logically lead to a different ending are bad game design and I drop any game that has them.