Thoughts on Control?

Thoughts on Control?
I'm thinking of getting it.

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Good story and setting which was pretty interesting.

The best bosses and missions are optional side missions.

Combat is good but gets boring after a while. You basically launch stuff until your energy runs out, then use your gun until your energy refills, rinse and repeat. Enemy variety is also lacking.

Worth a playthrough. I think it's available for free on some platforms

i like it

It's pretty okay. It's not that great nor interesting but it has some neat things.

ill let you know when its not an egs exclusivew


Much better and more like Alan Wake compared to Quantum Break.

It's extremely fun, and the world building is some of the best.

There's no difficulty options. The game is on the hard side so expect to be frustrated and replay some missions/bosses a lot especially if you're on console

Thanks lads, I'll probably trade my Jedi Fallen Order for this since I just finished it and don't plan on playing again.

I'm enjoying Control. Combat is tight, setting is cool. The voice actor from Max Payne is back. Graphics are nice, but the loads of particle effects cause slowdown on Xbox One, so get it on PC is you have a good PC. It's still playable on Xbox, but PC seems like the optimal experience.

Short but good.

>good PC
My GTX 1050 was running it better than PS4 pro.

No way. I think it took me about 15 - 16 hours to finish it.

Which is short for me.

That's pretty decent length for a single player game. Short means 4 - 5 hours.

It's good. Make sure you pirate it because fucking EGS.

It’s aight. It’s no Max Payne, but it’s still good. Visually 11/10 if you like MC Escher architecture type shit.


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Fantastic game IMO. My favorite of last year, decently long, amazing aesthetic, fun gameplay once you get all the abilities.

The worldbuilding is top fucking tier also.

I'm actually pumped to play the DLC.

It’s kino. As a massive Alan Wake fan, this gave me the fix I have needed for years and I’m hype for the second expansion

>being obsessed about looks of a video game toon
grow up

>being obsessed with being a faggot


Got it last week and I'm loving it. No buyer's remorse at all.

The architecture is the only saving grace for me . I enjoyed seeing more and more of the 70s bauhaus office interiors.

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pirate it.
even quantum brake was more fun then this shit
and i love games from that company

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Worth a pirate I guess.

It's really good, but the story/setting and gameplay don't mesh as well as they should

If Control was a grounded survival horror with limited resources it would be legit one of the best games ever. Instead you're some near unstoppable demigod who zips around the level with easy then goes back into slow plodding horror style cutscenes.

But if you get the game, MAKE SURE YOU TURN SUBTITLES OFF, a lot of character speak in Twin Peaks style gibberish that the subs just translate killing their impact.

sjw game

>As a massive Alan Wake fan
two very different games.

fuck off mutt

But Control and Alan Wake are connected. If you got addicted to the lore of Alan Wake, you probably fucking love Control and the fact that the second DLC will bridge the gap even more.


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sjw game

Remedy basically making the same game over and over again except every time with a different gimmick.

Get it if you're extremely bored, have low standards and/or just love TPS's .

he's right you know

keep crying

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nice gameplay, annoying camera close ups, ugly face textures, weird internal dialogue that doesnt bring anything worthy to the situation.

the annoying parts are so frequent that made me drop the game

I enjoyed control so much it made me play all the alan wake games for the first time, and I wasn't disappointed, I love their stuff

Where did I say they weren’t? Obviously they are very different games, but there are enough gameplay/narrative/atmosphere similarities to make a recommendation to somebody who likes AW

Get it, worth buying. It's fun, and weird in an interesting way not pretentious like kojima nonsense.
If you play you like this retard just throwing shit then maybe you'll get "bored". Use all your powers and weapon variants. Side bosses can provide a nice challenge. Exploring is cool, I'm always looking for hidden locations. It's a good length. I can't wait to play the dlc. Same. I also bought far cry 5 at the same time and I regret that mediocrity.

Can’t wait to hear more about the Alan Wake expansion, the first one was great too btw if y’all haven’t played

Doom Eternal killed all other games. Control looks extremely boring.

It's meh. Missed potential. Liked the physics. Story is kinda ass. Music forgettable (save for the tango song). Ahti is a great character, he's like Gman but a normal Finnish guy, I love him. It's decently fun to play.